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Q/R Producteur Trials of Atlantis (VO) - Par nydaunvan - 01/07/2003 @ 20:58


Voici une série de questions / réponses entre Camelot Vault et le producteur executif de la prochaine extension : Trial of Atlantis

Dark Age of Camelot

Camelot Vault : One of the most eagerly anticipated features for the 50th level crowd is the addition of Master Levels. Could you explain how exactly this new feature will work? How will it breath new life into old characters, and what effect do your foresee it having on Realm vs. Realm combat?

Matt Firor : We are working on the design and implementation of Master Levels as I type this, so there's not a lot I can share with you. However, we can tell you that the skill and abilities you'll get from MLs will be "horizontal" in nature, not "vertical" - that is to say your character will become more full featured, but not necessarily strictly more powerful. Think of it more as your character gets more tools in their toolbox.

Camelot Vault : With expansions come graphical upgrades and all sorts of new features. Naturally, the system requirements will probably go up, but generally do you think Trials of Atlantis will require much more in the way of the minimum requirements as compared to Shrouded Isles?

Matt Firor : Trials of Atlantis will require a DirectX 9 compatible video card to show off the latest fancy effects; however the computer that you currently run Shrouded Isles on will almost certainly be good enough for Atlantis.

Camelot Vault : Besides the obvious graphical goodies, and the underwater levels, what will the new engine allow you to do graphically that was previously impossible?

Matt Firor : The new engine doesn't really drive what we're doing - it's what we implement with it that matters. We're upgrading the client across the board. We're going to have a skinable interface, the aforementioned underwater swimming areas, complete with underwater effects and animations. The big items are a new terrain texturing system that will make the ground look much more realistic, and a totally new tree system that will give Camelot, at long last, real-looking trees. Please note that all the older zones in the game will be updated the new ground texturing system as well as the trees. Our general plan for Camelot calls for upgrading as much as possible ALL areas of the world with each expansion, not just the new ones.

Camelot Vault : At E3 it was revealed that one of the three new races would be the Half-Ogre. All that is truly known, beyond what can be gleaned from the name, is that they are from Albion. Is it possible for you to reveal a touch more information on this race? Such as look, size or strengths, both in terms of starting stats and what classes it will be geared towards.

Matt Firor : Sorry, but I can't give out much about the Half-Ogre at this time. Its backstory is that the ogres from Avalon Island (as introduced in Shrouded Isles) have mated with humans, and this is the offspring of that union. They are larger than Highlanders and will be suited towards the melee classes.

Camelot Vault : At this time is it possible to reveal the identities of the new Midgard and Hibernian races? If so, could you also provide a short description, similar to what was asked of the Half-Ogre?

Matt Firor : Not at this time.

Camelot Vault : The addition of the /level command may create an influx of 20-30 level characters. Trials of Atlantis is geared towards the upper level characters, but will it also provide a wealth of content for the middle-range characters who walk the realm?

Matt Firor : Trials of Atlantis is aimed primarily at higher level characters. The beginning zones of Atlantis can be started at around level 30, but you have to be 40 and above to start getting to the Master Levels.

Camelot Vault : One of the major functions of last year's roundtable meeting was to promote Shrouded Isles. Have any more plans been made for this year's meeting? Will it serve the same purpose as last year's popular gathering?

Matt Firor : Yes, we are in the planning stages for another Camelot fan gathering. We'll release more details about this when we nail down the location of the event and the date.

Camelot Vault : Although there can obviously only be one answer to the mythological puzzle that is Atlantis, how will the quest to uncover that answer vary from realm to realm? How will you take advantage of the mythologies of each realm to personalize the discoveries? Will they be different enough that players will want to give it a whirl from each of the three realms?

Matt Firor : Great question - you'll have to play through the expansion to learn many of these answers.

Camelot Vault : Conversely, how will the new mythology of Atlantis mesh with the existing story of the three realms in an epic struggle for the old empire of King Arthur?

Matt Firor : We have set it up so that Atlantis is a lost civilization that many earth cultures spawned from - so you'll see little bits of several different cultures in the architecture of Atlantis. But, since Atlantis was a living culture so far before Midgard, Hibernia, and Albion, that you won't find direct items from those cultures in Atlantis.

Camelot Vault : Will the expansion upgrade upon the AI currently in place in Dark Age of Camelot? Will MOBs behave differently than they have in the past, and if so will these changes extend into the old world as well?

Matt Firor : We have many new exciting AI features in Trials of Atlantis. First, we have a more interactive world, so you'll find encounters where monsters interact with world objects. This can manifest itself in situations where monsters can hide inside objects and then come out when you are least expecting it. Every time we come out with an expansion, we try to make monsters behave in new and more interesting patterns.

Camelot Vault : Will there be new epic RvR encounter areas in the new lands? Perhaps something similar to Darkness Falls, or will the three realms avoid each other completely and simply explore their own parts of the new lands.

Matt Firor : The three Realms will avoid each other in Atlantis - the reason why will be explained during the player's adventuring in that land.

Camelot Vault : Obviously, to explore underwater areas, players will need to be able navigate around underwater. Will this extend to the old areas of Camelot? Will players be able to dive under the water in the Camelot Hills, just like in Atlantis? If so, will you populate these areas with new monsters and such for players to fight?

Matt Firor : We haven't made that decision yet. We are in a situation where players in the original world can be using the game's original client (i.e. if they don't have Shrouded Isles), and that engine will not support underwater. The new Trials engine, and the SI engine WILL support underwater - so, we'll try to figure out a way to do it, but we haven't made the decision yet.

Camelot Vault : It was mentioned that the new transport system underwater will utilize the shark population. Will it just be sharks, or will there be other animals to drag you around, such as Sea Horses?

Matt Firor : We'll have several ways to get around the world of Atlantis. First, of course, is swimming. Second will be player-pilotable boats. Third, yes, we'll have ridable underwater marine life. We showed a ridable shark (a hammerhead) at E3 - we haven't made a decision about other types of ridable creatures.

Camelot Vault : It was also revealed that players would be able to pilot boats. What scale will this be on? Will it just be one-man rowboats, or will sailing become a part of Dark Age of Camelot? Will players be able to own or even craft boats? Or will they just be something temporary like horses currently are or like siege engines?

Matt Firor: Sailing will become a part of Camelot. You'll be able to fit at least three or so groups in a boat, and one person will be able to sail it around the oceans of Atlantis.

Camelot Vault : Trials of Atlantis seems to be adding a lot of upper level content for the various classes, but will it also give the crafting population a little love? Will the game include new a new crafting track, or at least new recipes for the existing tracks?

Matt Firor : No. Any additions we make to crafting will not be from this expansion. We make additions to crafting continually via regular content updates to the game.

Camelot Vault : What new fluff features will be introduced with the game? Will emotes be expanded, perhaps a new clothing line introduced, maybe board or card games made available?

Matt Firor : We already have card games, and we recently added a bunch of new clothing (hats, "roleplaying clothing", etc.). We've had our animators busy creating "underwater" versions of every animation in the game, but if they have extra time, we'll work on some new emotes.

Camelot Vault : It is probably safe to assume that you have some sort of epic monsters in mind for the new expansion. It would also probably not be going out on a large limb to suggest that they'll be of the marine variety. Would it be possible for you to give us some insights into one of the cooler new monsters you have planned? What will it be, how will it look and how massive will it be?

Matt Firor : Yes, there are some epic sized swimming creatures - but since not all of the expansion is underwater, we have some surprises for dry-land epic encounters as well. We'll release screenshots of some of them as development progress, but suffice it to say, we're going to leave a lot of surprises in the expansion for players to discover.

Camelot Vault : The obligatory question that pops up when talking about any new game is being developed is always: beta. What sort of general timetable do you have on Trials of Atlantis? Generally, when do you expect to begin external testing?

Matt Firor : We expect to be in some sort of closed beta test some time in August. Public tests will be scheduled based on the performance of the expansion during that first closed beta.

Camelot Vault : Finally, there is the question all fans of Dark Age of Camelot have been thinking and dying to have answered. Who at Mythic exactly is in charge of outfitting the Elves, and all other races, with scuba gear? Which is to say, how will you explain the prolonged underwater adventures of the various terrestrial races?

Matt Firor : We'll release more details on this as work on the expansion progresses.

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