Le regard du Chevalier Noir, ainsi que sa voix, résonnaient dans l'âme et le coeur du jeune homme..
Lui infligeant une peur incomparable, comme si à travers les yeux du Guerrier il avait pu voir toutes les batailles qu'il avait mené. (Lyuno)

Claim 2k19
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dernier up :
Xanxicar en guilde
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Patch 1.63F et 1.63G sur Pendragon - Par nydaunvan - 10/07/2003 @ 07:54

Info sur les derniers patch 1.63F et 1.63G sur le serveur de test Pendragon


Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.63f Release Notes


We are planning to take this Foundations bug fix patch live tomorrow morning (Thursday) at 8:00am eastern time. All the fixes that have been tested this week on Pendragon will be included in tomorrow's live update.


- You can no longer transfer a house from a personal home to a guild house, or sell a house to another player if your house has a consignment merchant or vault active. If you want to transfer or sell your house, you must now pick up the consignment merchant and vault, or sell them.

- We've changed the "order" in which permissions are enforced by the server. Here is the new list, in order of priority: Account -> Personal -> Guild Rank -> Guild. This means that any account permissions will take precedence over all other types of permissions, Personal permissions will take precedence over Guild, etc.

- Please note that there is a bug that causes items in house vaults to be placed randomly in the various vaults in a house whenever the server is rebooted. Items placed into one vault show up after a server reboot in another vault in that house. This bug will be fixed soon, but not by Thursday morning's live update. So, if you have items in a vault after the server reboot that appear to be missing, check out the other vaults in your house - they will be there. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.63g Release Notes

Wedneday, July 9, 2003


We are planning to take this Foundations bug fix patch live tomorrow morning (Thursday) at 8:00am eastern time. All the fixes that have been tested this week on Pendragon will be included in tomorrow's live update.


- The signposts on lots 3260 through 3269 (the village of Tullahien) have been rotated to the correct orientation. They now face the proper direction.

- Lots 129, 137, 3236, 3245, and 3236 have been flattened so that garden objects should no longer float in the air or sink into the ground in those lots.

- The following Midgard tradeskill masters in the housing zones will now allow players to join the crafting order. Belini (Weapon Crafter), Ethandra (Armor Crafter), Unerrang (Weapon Crafter), and Nelanna (Armor Crafter).

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