Le regard du Chevalier Noir, ainsi que sa voix, résonnaient dans l'âme et le coeur du jeune homme..
Lui infligeant une peur incomparable, comme si à travers les yeux du Guerrier il avait pu voir toutes les batailles qu'il avait mené. (Lyuno)

Dans ta face !
(3)   (2)

dernier up :
Xanxicar en guilde
(1)   (1)

Patch 1.64b sur Pendragon - Par nydaunvan - 30/07/2003 @ 20:54

Info sur le dernier patch (Vo seulement) sur le serveur de test Pendragon



Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.64b Test Release Notes

Tuesday, July 29, 2003


Dark Age of Camelot


- The new RP filter will now try to not replace words that are parts of larger words. It does so by checking either side of the search string to see if there are characters around the letters it tries to replace. So:

LFG -> looking for group
xLFG -> xLFG
xLFGx -> xLFGx
LFG!! -> looking for group!!

- The '/market' command now works only in housing zones. This fixes a Pendragon-only bug.

- Fixed a bug where '/hidenames group' and '/shownames group' was not registering, so this option could only be set in the options menu. This fixes a Pendragon-only bug.

- When you are looking at vaults in houses, the window title will now indicate which # it is (House Vault 1, House Vault 2, etc).

- Fixed keyboard focus problems on the player market query panel. This fixes a Pendragon-only bug.

- The cursor now appears when you click on the edit field for the first time in the player market window. This fixes a Pendragon-only bug.

- Page numbers on the player market results panel should be correct. This fixes a Pendragon-only bug.

- We've scrubbed through our bug list of known combat style and spell icon problems, and all known problems have been fixed.


- All of the icons for the new weapon recipes should match the icon on the finished weapon.

- The Hibernian exceptional large round shield recipes should create exceptional large round shields instead of exceptional block shields.

- The Midgard exceptional block shield making exceptional large round shields has also been fixed.

- All forges and lathes have been updated with the housing graphic. This was changed in yesterdays patch, but was not noted. Sorry for the confusion.

- The new tradeskills weapons should now have the correct DPS, 16.5 at material level 10.

- The new Hibernia stilettos should now be left-hand equippable.

- Note: The new magus staff has a hidden restriction that will not allow it to be equipped by anyone other than a focus caster.


- World/Dungeons: In response to Team Lead feedback, we have converted the innocents in each realm's frontier dungeon so they will now protect that realm's players while still attacking players from other realms.


- Combined teleporters sold inside the houses now all have the proper medallions.

- Players in Hibernia can now obtain mantid trophies by killing Klzkizk and Kriszixk

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