Le regard du Chevalier Noir, ainsi que sa voix, résonnaient dans l'âme et le coeur du jeune homme..
Lui infligeant une peur incomparable, comme si à travers les yeux du Guerrier il avait pu voir toutes les batailles qu'il avait mené. (Lyuno)

(3)   (2)

dernier up :
Xanxicar en guilde
(1)   (1)

1.66d + screens Toa - Par nydaunvan - 14/10/2003 @ 15:16

Non vous ne revez pas, Mythic nous balance bien le descriptif du dernier patch mis en service sur le serveur de test US Pendragon : la 1.66d (mais ou sont la a,b,c ???). Camelotvault publie aussi 3 screenshots de Toa

Dark Age of Camelot

Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.66d Test Release Notes

October 13, 2003

Note - this patch note is correctly lettered 'd' to keep us in sync with a ToA-only patch from last week.


Hibernia Quests

- Magic's scar - Eugor can now be found much more easily.


Albion Quests

- Under Attack - On step 2, players need to kill the Drakoran lieutenants and commanders. We received reports that these officers were despawning during combat. Players fighting the officers located in the camp need to know that at 3AM all of them will despawn unless all of the officers are engaged in combat. If players have aggro on all of the officers at once, they will continue to stay up until they are killed. Folks that pull them out of camp one at a time will find that they'll all despawn at 3AM, so please take this into consideration when planning your strategies.

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