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1.67d et 1.67e sur Pendragon
- Par nydaunvan - 15/12/2003 @ 13:35
Le serveur de test US passe en version 1.67e. Retrouver ci dessous l'ensemble des corrections pour les patchs 1.67d et 1.67e ainsi qu'une traduction de l'essentiel.

Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.67d Test Release Notes
December 11, 2003
- The Egg of Youth level ten Celestial Resurrection spell will now restore 10% health and no power to resurrected players.
Second, the read files:
Stygia Encounters
- Oukesson the Ghillan should now drop the Crystalized Ghillan Eye more
- Baby scorpions have the potential to evolve into higher level
versions such as young and large. Each large scorpion has a chance to
then evolve into Colossal, which should make Colossal easier to find.
- The Golden Spear encounter should now correctly give credit when
players kill Jomnaer last.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.67e Test Release Notes
December 12, 2003
We are making a number of changes to how credit is awarded for Atlantis encounters, as well as allowing players to 'work ahead' of their current Master Level, which should allow players to gain a better sense of accomplishment for helping others defeat an encounter. We appreciate everyone's feedback about Trials of Atlantis, and we hope that these changes will greatly improve the Atlantis experience for everyone involved. We will continue to review areas of Atlantis, and Dark Age of Camelot as a whole, in a continuing effort to improve the entire Dark Age of Camelot experience for all players.
- We have identified and corrected a problem that could cause players to not be awarded credit for completing an encounter. With this version, we will be changing artifact and trial encounters to award credit to the group that gets loot rights from the encounter. Battlegroups will also follow this new system if the encounter is battlegroup enabled. This should solve many of the problems players have with not being awarded encounter crdit properly. However, please note that any players that are not in the group or battlegroup when credit is awarded will still not get credit.
- Currently, players who have not finished their current trial can do all the steps except the final encounter of a higher level trial. With this patch, players will be able to do all encounters of a trial, even if they have not finished their previous trial. Please note that players will still get master level abilities in order.
Here's an example, if you have not finished the first trial, you can now go do Runihara in trial two and receive credit (if you've completed all the other encounters in trial two), but you will not get the level two abilities until you've finished the first trial, and then completed the second level's experience requirement.
Albion Quests
- Friars will no longer have to travel back to the trainers in the classic zones to exchange their Friar Robes every five levels. Sister Evangeline in Caer Gothwaite will now perform this exchange for Friars.
Quests - General
- Players working on obtaining the Scarab Wing Vest will now need to have neutral faction with the maubastet to turn in their Magical Scarab Wing to Tey.
Item Notes
- The skiff (all realms), Viking Longship (Midgard), British Cog (Albion), and Elvish Caravel (Hibernia) can now be sold back to NPC merchants for 75% of the purchase price.
A Retenir
- La manière dont une rencontre est validée a été modifiée: maintenant, tous les joueurs dans le groupe et dans le battlegroup qui ramasse le butin voient leur rencontre validée. Ceux présents mais ne faisant partie ni du groupe ni du battlegroup ne se voient rien valider.
- Au par avant, il était possible à quelqu’un n’ayant pas fini l’épreuve en cours de réaliser toutes les étapes des épreuves suivantes, à l’exception de la dernière. C’est désormais possible, mais les master abitilies restent obligatoirement acquis dans l’ordre. (Par exemple, si je ne fini pas la première épreuve, je peux désormais réaliser complètement la troisième. Mais je n’aurais ma MA 3 qu’une fois que j’aurais acquis la 1 et la 2.)
- Les moines peuvent désormais échanger leurs robes tous les cinq niveaux à Caer Gothwaite.
- Une correction d’artefact.
- Les barques et les bateaux peuvent désormais être revendus à des PNJs pour 75% de leur valeur.
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