Egg of Youth Error processing SSI file

Egg of Youth

Classes that can use:  Full Use: CLER, FRI, DRU, WARD, BARD, HEAL, SHA
Partial Use:  all others
Artifact XP:  Slaying many types of magical enemies
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:    This has been done with 5 people.

Artifact Level Abilities Gained

Acuity +12
Hits +32

Crush 5%

Slash 5%

Thrust 5%


Bonus to healing effectiveness 8%

Bonus to hit points bonus cap:  40

raise dead

Stats page 1
Stats page 2

Recovery:  Target recovers from the effects of resurrection.
    Target:  Self
    Casting time:  instant
    This spell is cast when the item is used.

raise dead:  Brings target back to life, and restores a portion of their health and power, and eliminates the experience penalty and con loss they would have suffered were they to have /released.
    Target:  Dead
    Casting time:  instant
    Radius:  1000
    This spell is cast when the item is used.
    Can use item every 15 min

The Egg of Youth level ten Celestial Resurrection spell will now restore 10% health and no power to resurrected players. The artifact's ability now costs no power to cast and will resurrect up to a maximum of 8 realmmates within 1000 radius.
(Patch 1.67 Dec 16 Live)

The level 5 ability recovers con-loss as well as clearing ress sickness.  It will also clear any previous con loss that isn't related to your current death, great way to save money.  One odd bug though, if you try using it when you don't have ress sickness(but do have con loss) it will tell you that you are not under the effects of ressing and it will restart the 15 minute timer without clearing your con. 
So only use it when you currently have ress-sickness as to now waste 15 minutes.   Feb 13

Credits: Nodoz, Torme, Ochoen

Leveling the Artifact:

I leveled this off of weeweres. It can also be leveled off of anything in EZ.   Nov 23
- Torme

i know necropolis is full of <magical mobs> and the epic zone mobs give xp to it too, ie giants in dart, draks in malm, glimmers in sheeroe   Dec 31
- Jazaghuel


Location: 40k 25k notos
Picture of the Battle   Jan 15  - Graysen

This can be done with 5 people takes a lil time about 1 and half hours .
Did this with 50 pally( 50 shield mob 2) 50 pally ( battlemaster 2) 50 arms 50 rejuve cleric and put bot in for bashing towers.
Hand pally 1 engage the mob and cleric stayed with him for small heals  then arms pally ( with BM) and bot bashed 9 towers down we all then easily took down the named down to 0% and  3 returned to bash down the last tower cleric grabed egg and used it  artifact achived.  Just took a lil time but we got it.  Jan 11

2 groups can do do this to get the Egg of Youth. (we had about 10 people-3healing classes/2pbts the rest tanks)
We killed Sililia with 10 people. Knock the bird to around half life and you will see a broadcast message about something guarding her....I was dead tired and forgot to log the chat. At that point, you have to kill the columns on the outside of the lair. I suggest taking 2 groups (1 for the bird/1 for the columns).
After you kill the columns, the nest will fall to the ground, grab the egg and [USE] it. The fight will end at that point. I would suggest trying rams for the columns since it took us around 1.5hours to kill all the columns (multiple LDs didnt help).   Nov 8
- Blackrain


She doesnt die unless you use the egg then she will die.   11/8
the pillers only become targetable when the Named harpy is engaged..    11/9
- Fodos

F7 targets the pillars fine, but unless you have rams i'd suggest bringing a lot of tanks      11/9
- Olive

the mob holding likely hodling it is a huge purp harpy named sililia on top of a hill you must fight your way up the path to the hilltop thru red and oj harpies. you cant go straight to sill b/c her nest area is blocked off like a zone border.
- Stylycho

Scroll pieces:  Egg of Youth

Piece 1 of 3
Naxos tidal troopers, Naxos sentinels
Piece 2 of 3
Naxos cultivators, Naxos suppressors
Piece 3 of 3
Naxos spirit callers, Naxos spirit mages

Error processing SSI file
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004