Eternal Plant Error processing SSI file

Eternal Plant

Artifact XP:  Gains levels off of killing insects
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:    This has been done with 6 people.

Artifact Level Abilities Gained

Acuity +15
Constitution +15

1 Heat 5%

Cold 5%

Change Shapeshift

Energy 5%

Bonus to stat effectiveness 5%

Charge that regenerates Health/Mana/Endurence

Change Shapeshift:  Doesnt give exact details.  It is a targeted ability with range 1500. It doesn't give enough information to show what exact ability is, but from what I have read it will drop people from shapeshifted forms, cat(dreamsphere), dog (Mad Scalars), BOS, etc.
Seems like it would be good for against shades of mist cloak too, but havent done any testing.

Level 10 Ability:  It does appear to give 60% Health/Power/Endur over the tick period, but it did not seem significantly faster than Endur, POM 5,, or Friggs.   Jan 7

Credits: Sorgrinn, Fogh

Leveling the Artifact:

I have been leveling with my Scorpion Tail Ring and its slow going on scorpions.  Dec 21
- Sorgrinn

Hagall inaects are your best bet I am seing so far if your a solo healer.
Lava bugs are great xp.... but they are red con and call for help. 1 healer 1 tank and 1 bot and its still dangerous.
There are ice striders behind mid relic keep.
Purple "Scaves" by Hib frontire dungeon above where Fins are.
Not any insects in ALb frontire that I know of.   Dec 21
- Daryen

I have been lvling mine off lava bugs in volcanus.. Shaman/zerker duo.. getting 49 mill in base xp + camp bonus.  Dec 22
- Fogh


Location:     Notos 13298, 17816

Tonight we forced the Eternal Plant to spawn on Alb/Bors. We went into Sobekite Eternal and killed the Armsmaster (since he has nothing to do with ML2 and he fits into the storyline for the Eternal Plant (a sobekite that is strong). After we killed him we went right out to the Kelp Forest. The Eternal Plant was just outside of the forest on the south side. We pulled a seeker over to the plant ... ~5 mins later the harvestors were done and Sobekhotep spawned. He grew to orange con and started wandering ... we ran in with 2 paladins, 1 armsman, 2 clerics, and an ice wizard ... we were zerged by about 30-40 yellow con mobs ... guard on the wizard, bof and a whole lotta PBAOE and the yellows died ... killed all the bodyguards and then on Sobekhotep. He hit IP before he died and went above 100% health or went invulnerable for several seconds. He died quickly though. We got the artifact, not a Destroyed one.   Dec 9
- Gingerbread

I can indeed confirm that the plant pops when a raid in Sobekite kills the armsmaster. Yesterday, I was (after days of looking for it, I was sceptical to the fact that the trigger could be several zones away) in close contact with a raidleader inside sobekite eternal. Lo and behold, I found the plant a couple of minutes after I got the word that they killed the armsmaster.  Dec 26
- Ozognird

The seekers wander all around the kelp forest. There are dozens of them swimming along the bottom.  Dec 21
- Galyath

In notos you will either find the plant with harvesters around it or Sobekhotep there himself after he has eaten the plant. The loc is 13298, 17816 – lots of followers and bodyguards. All yellow. Sobekhotep was orange himself.     Nov 19
- Adrayven

after the eternal plant dies, you need to go kill the big named croc that pops and all his pets, he does heal alot. hes usually close by, within a 400 yard radius. after he dies, he drops the "Eternal Plant" on the ground, which can then be picked up. this artifact is quite picky.
only healer classes(possibly focus classes) can use it. If you have more than 1 group doing, may have not got credit? Our warden got it working after the eternal plant patch.   Nov 28
- Kina


some plant finding tips:
plant is green as opposed to the brown of the kelp
plant is f7able
we tried this tonight and let him start eating as the riddle says. I started pumping nukes in him after he ate and he was invincible for a short time (damage registered, but lifebar didn't move). Then we slaughtered him within seconds of him losing invinciblity.
We got no drop at all though, destroyed or otherwise.   Nov 29
- ferzerp

Plant is not easy to find.
When you do find it, pull and drag a seeker or two over to the plant... that will get things started. Now it I can just learn how to finish it.   Nov 29
- gordman

destroyed eternal plant isn't the artifact
if you delve an artifact you get some (flavor text talking about people who can use the item)
Know a druid who has the destroyed plant - no dice.   Nov 27
- Tammarion

Scroll pieces:  Healer's Notes

Piece 1 of 3
Melos defenders, Melos frenzied blades

Piece 2 of 3
Melos soulrenders, Melos execrators
Piece 3 of 3
Melos priests, Melos monks

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Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004