Phoebus' Harp Error processing SSI file

Phoebus' Harp

Classes that can use:  MINS, BARD, SKLD
Partial use:  all others
Artifact XP:  off of magical creatures
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:   This has been done with 7 people.

Artifact Level Abilities Gained

Crush 3%
Slash 3%
Thrust 3%

Acuity +15


Bonus to power pool 6%

Bonus to duration of spells  6%

Bonus to stat debuff spell effectiveness 6%

Create Item


Bedazzled:  Target suffers from a magic bedazzlement that may cause him/her to fumble melee attacks, miscast magic spells or both.
    Chance to miscast:  10%
    Chance to fumble:  10%
    Target:  Targetted
    Range:  350  
    Duration:  30 sec
    Casting time:  instant
    Damage:  Body
    This spell is cast when the item is used.

Create Item:  When used, an item is created in the caster's inventory.
    Target:  Self
    Casting time:  instant
    This spell is cast when the item is used.
    Can use item every 15 min

Phoebus Harp Necklace - The summoned harp had the spell haste bonus reduced by 3%. Matter, body and spirit resistance bonuses were added at a 2% value.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

Credits: Ellowan, Mamacita, Stara Swift

The Phoebus Harp Necklace artifact will no longer summon a harp for Skalds, instead they will receive a new spell "Shrieking Displacement Aura". Additionally, for all realms the Stat Debuff bonus has been
replaced by a Casting Range bonus.    (from the hot fixes Nov 20)

Leveling the Artifact:

Yellow/Blues at Fenrir hut near Glenlock.  Nov 19
- Stara Swift

The necklace levels off of magical creatures by the way.  In Hibernia, head to sheeroe hills..or innis carthaig to chop pookas 'n stuff.. I found out it leveled off of the mob in Malice's Axe too.  Feb 19
- D-Lady


The encounter isnt broken just kill right named
There are 3 nameds, Hellae for credit, Zoea for necklace and 3rd named - nothing.   Feb 4
- Donn

Read some stuff about Phoebus's Harp.. actually I've done it with just 7 ppz no sweat at all.  First of all, u just have to visit all 3 named ones and look closely for the one who is holding the harp.  If you want the necklace, chop her.  I got mine off of Hallea I believe.  Feb 19
- D-Lady

The Phoebus Harp encounter no longer awards credit to just one player in the group or battlegroup.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

The three named mobs are: Zoea, Hallea, and Kamos. They're located around 30k, 7k in Meso.  Whichever one has the Harp will emit notes from them. (when you play a song, the notes that come out of you) Also during the fight it will specifically state that she plucks the harp, etc.
She's tough if you aren't prepared. Make sure to clear most, if not all the aggro around as it will baf when you attack her. Mobs will also spawn and come after you. A suggestion is to have casters outside the group picking off the aggro that pops.
Spawn aggro is grey - orange. She is purple. CASTERS KILL THE AGGRO. If they don't it just builds up, and eventually she has them all assist on one target... and that hurts.
Our group setup was 2 Minstrels (one was a bot, /stick attacking), 1 S/S Arms, 1 Rejuv Cleric, 1 Fire Wizard, 1 Mind Sorc, 1 Matter Cab, & 1 Reaver.   Nov 8
- Velkar DeCormont

Artifact for the bard.
31k 7k Meso
There are 3 named. Its in the sanctuary in Meso. There is a naxos named, Melos named, and another one. She emoted playing some type of sound from her instrument... So i came back with about 2-3 fg and killed all the named. She ae mezzes and some other fun stuff, but dropped Phoebes Necklace.    Nov 8
- AthenasWrath


All the 3 are pretty easy, less than 1fg, did with 1 bombspec necro 1 minst 1 cleric, as for the adds, you need to clear em especially since the named mob manages them to assist on same target.
As for getting credit it s pretty bugged, i got credit by chance after a few days having harp+3 scrolls while killing one of the named who didn t have the harp with 1fg.  Jan 23
- Ho Lun Fang

Pretty convinced that whether or not you get credit is totally random at this point. Went back yet again, again with myself, a hero, and me botting a druid for extra heals. This time killed Kosma (sp?) without harp, took forever, but pulled it off, and finally got credit. Did exactly the same group setup (me as leader) and no bg, as we did when killing Zoea without harp, so no idea why it worked this time!  Jan 19
- Dyscord

Dropped off a purp con triton named Hallea at 27k, 7k meso. Fairly easy with a full group, she will bring all the mobs in the area though.
- Murcaeus

Scroll pieces:  

Phoebus Letters

Piece  1 of 3
Naxos focused, Naxos tidal razorfins
Piece 2 of 3
Naxos shamans, Naxos razorfins
Piece 3 of 3
Naxos frostblades, Naxos tidal troopers

Error processing SSI file
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004