Shield of Khaos Error processing SSI file

Shield of Khaos

Classes that can use:  ARMS, PAL, REAV, HERO, CHA, WAR
Artifact XP:  Slaying any enemies in foreign frontiers
Large shield only
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:   This has been done with 1 full group.

Artifact Level Abilities Gained

Hits +40
Heat 3%
Bonus to melee combat speed  5%

Troll with Shield
Spirit 3%

Bonus to armor factor:  8

Shield +3

Bonus to hit points cap:  32

Damage over time/Disorient

dmg-over-time:  Inflicts damage to the target repeatedly over a given time period.
    Damage per tick: 25
    Target: Targetted
    Range: 350
    Duration: 30 sec
    Frequency: 5.0 sec
    Casting time: instant
    Damage: Body
    Spell has a chance of casting when this armor is hit by an enemy.

Damage over time/Disorient:  Inflicts damage to the target repeatedly over a given time period.  Also disorients the target, making it more difficult for them to strike at melee targets.
    Damage per tick: 20
    Target: Targetted
    Duration: 1:0 min
    Frequency: 5.0 sec
    Casting time: instant
    Radius: 700
    Damage: Energy
    This spell is cast when the item is used.
    Can use item every: 15: 0 min

Credits: Bestill

Leveling the Artifact:

 - The Crocodile Tear Ring and the Shield of Khaos have received new requirements for earning experience. Any experience earned while in enemy frontier regions will go towards the artifact's experience; previously it was earned during periods of snow or rain.    (from patch notes 1.66j Nov 20)


Location:   Shield of Khaos drops from Chief Creon, a very difficult centaur in Green Glades 16k, 41k

Our first attempt we had The Chief down to 5% but didnt take into account his healers that liked to stay outta pbae range so on our 2nd run we used the folowing strategy.   1 FG with a Shambot ungrouped for end:  Spiritmaster, 3 Healers(2 were ml5), Runemaster, 2 Warriors. We pulled the Chief to the side of the camp to his Do not cross line.  Had the healers cast power fields on top of the chief and everyone stayed on him.  The Sm took care of the adds while the Runemaster took out  centaur healers there werent in pbae range(This was an important step because they would heal him if left unchecked). all the tanks focused on the Chief and the healers spread heald and stunned.  Once Double power fields were up the spiritmaster could nonstop pbae and our healers went spread heal crazy and Aoe stund alot to keep agro off of out Spirtmaster. all in all it took us aprox 35 mins.   Dec 19
- Samadamis

Chief Creon's "do not cross line", mentioned in a few strategies is approximately 22050,40432 Green Glades.
Confuse seems to be a popular tactic...  You use it on the adds.  Feb 18


We had one group consisting of:
1 shield hero
1 mana ment
2 mana elds
2 druids
1 bard
1 animist

and a second partial group of:
1 mana chanter
1 mana eld
2 buffbot druids

On our first failed attempt we found the point which Chief Creon would not go past (I had marked this spot earlier with a grave ). The animist shrooms had no effect on the Chief outside this spot. Even so, we got the chief to about 60% health.

On our second attempt we died horribly under about 30 adds and didn't do much in the way of damage to the Chief.

On the third run, we cleared one side of the camp as much as possible and the animist started setting up shrooms just inside Creon's "do-not-cross" line. I pulled the Chief and tanked him while the pb'ers blew up adds and the mana ment dotted. Once the adds fell the shrooms focused on Creon and the pbers nuked him into the ground.   Dec 4
- Bestill

Apparently Shield of Khaos drops from Chief Creon, a very difficult centaur in Green Glades.
Bring lots of PBAErs and tanks...oh yeah, and healers too, lol, because he has like...50 guardians with him. Not to hard to kill the guardians, but it's difficult killing Creon with the other Centaurs.
Recommended force to kill him is 2+ Full Groups.   Nov 28
- Asakura Yoh

Scroll pieces:  Shield of Khaos

Piece 1 of 3
centaur mages, sages, messengers
Piece 2 of 3
centaur advisors, scouts, commoners
Piece 3 of 3
centaur patrollers, impalers, archers healers

Error processing SSI file
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004