Nailah's Robes Error processing SSI file

Nailah's Robes

Classes that can use:  WIZ, THEU, CAB, SORC, NECR, FRI, ELD, ENCH, MENT, ANI, VW, RM, SM, BD
Artifact XP: Slaying enemies belonging to the People in the Image of Seth faction
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:   You can do this with 4 people.

Artifact Level Abilities Gained
Caster version Friar version
Intelligence (or Piety) +15
Piety +15
Picture on Wizard
Picture on Friar
Crush 6%
Crush 5%

Slash 5%
Slash 5%

Thrust 6%
Thrust 5%
Realm Lore
Realm Lore
Bonus to spell range 4%
Bonus to healing effectiveness 5%

Bonus to magic damage 4%
Bonus to melee damage 5%

dmg-over-time Friar

Realm Lore:  Displays useful information about the target.
    Target:  Targetted
    Range:  2000
    Casting time:  instant
    This spell is cast when the item is used

dmg-over-time:  Inflicts damage to the target repeatedly over a given time period.
    Damage per tick:  30  
    Target:  Targetted
    Range:  350
    Duration:  45 sec
    Frequency:  5 sec
    Casting time:  instant
    Damage:  Body
    Also casts:  speed decrease value:  35%
    Spell has a chance of casting when this armor is hit by an enemy.

Nailah's Robe / Vest - The spell range and spell damage bonuses were each reduced by 1%. The crush and thrust resistance bonus were each increased by 1%.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

Credits: Alithravielle Crimson, Vindicus, Daynia, Daenae, Magnus, Xasol

It's one of few artifacts that give unrestricted 5% spell range (staff of god, cloudsong, stone of atlantis. Not sure of others that are any good) so that 25% cap is pretty tough to get.
I don't know about you but I have all those range artifacts and I'm going to be loving bolting at nearsight range and nuking at bolt range.
The reactive snare and dot is fantastic. 150hp reactive isn't going to keep you alive much longer when a tank is beating down on you. An unbreakable snare IS going to give you a better chance of survival and in today's rvr for a caster it's all about staying away from the tanks and getting as many nukes in as possible whilst on the run.   Dec 29
- Alithravielle


Location:  Sobek roams the tent camps around the Fortress of Storms and the Setian Forts in the Land of Atum, around 42k, 7k.  He has been sighted at the tent camp at 32.6k, 3.3k at game time 17h15m.

The Setian Mob Sobek is the one who drops N. Robes Artifact. He leaves the Fortress of Storms (setian fort with lightening all about it) and apparently heads to the camps outside the various fortresses (of setians) and then goes into that fortress before leaving and heading back to the fortress of Storms. He travels with 6 orange gaurds around him. We took him out with Pally, Reaver, Sorc, Necro (all 50). He doesn't all ways drop the artifact.    Nov 18
- Baloria

In land of atum, 46k,29.8k we pulled "the Sebak" (Purple con) and about 5-6 oj con guards, he dropped nailah's robes and 2 ROG drops. Around 1pm gametime. We did it with a full group 50 hero, 50 druid, 50 bard, 50 warden, VW and a bunch of ments. It was pretty easy. I advise a tank, he's hard to hit and magic resistant.   Dec 9
- Nanic


The mob just so you know, is immune to ALL magic.   Jan 27

Sebak dose drop Nailahs robes we killed him today with 2 s/s armsman 1 pally,. thurgy and cleric fairly easy we found safe spot sent pally to pull him back to us took out his guards then dropped him took about 20 mins.   Nov 19
- Ariev

He spawned at the Setian Fort camp at Land of Atum loc 32.6k, 3.3k.  He was not there the whole time.  We were hunting the setians at that camp.  Then the laborers were working in the camp, putting out fires and such, then at 17h15m game time, Sebak popped in the middle of the camp.  With his guards.  He conned purple to a 50, with orange guards.  After a few minutes, he walked over to the Fortress of Storms with his guards, and we did not see him again.     Nov 18
- Mura

Sebak, a named Setian. He lives in the Fortress of Storms and comes out with 8 orange Sebak Guard mobs. He then picks one of the three towns surrounding the fortress and runs to each of the camps surrouding that town, ending with the town itself and then back to the Fortress. If he's spawned then just wait at the entrance of the Fortress and you will see him within 10-15 minutes. Just don't touch any of the mobs in the gateway of the Fortress or you'll see a relic-raid sized zerg of setians.
He is not terribly hard. Myself (sorceress) an earth theurgist both buffed with a 37 cleric bot got him down to half health. He is doable with 3-4 people if you have the right classes. (healer, shield tank, pet spammer, ae CC is very good for him)
He doesn't always drop the robe. I got mine on the fourth attempt. He does have a set loot table it seems.   Nov 15
- Alithravielle


He also drops a REALLY sweeet reaver chain glowie in Albion with a 20% haste proc.

I've seen a staff with no focus but nice stats (useless), a reaver whip, a 2H thruster and a dagger drop repeatedly. He drops two items and if the robe drops then that is in addition to the 2 other things. They are of comparable quality with Sidi/Glacier/Galla weapons and seem to have a 20% haste proc and particle effect.  Nov 15
- Alithravielle

spirit (i think) +1%
All melee weapon skills +3
Constitution +40    Dec 28
- Ootini

Mystical Girdle  
Lethal Mighty Umbral Buckler   Jan 10
- xmenrogue

Scroll pieces: 

Nailah's Diary

Piece 1 of 3
setian warriors, setian thunder troopers
Piece 2 of 3
setian sandstrutters, setians, setian tremorlings

Piece 3 of 3
setian desert scouts, setian tremorlings, setian slaves

Error processing SSI file
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004