Oglidarsh's Belt Error processing SSI file

Oglidarsh's Belt

Artifact XP:  Slaying giant enemies
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:  

Artifact Level Abilities Gained

Bonus to strength cap:  5

Bonus to hit points cap:  40

Strength +15

Hits:  +40

melee health buffer

Crush 3%

Slash 3%

Thrust 3%

stat drain

melee health buffer:  Adds a shield to the recipient which will temporarily absorb some of the damage type specified
    Absorption:  20%
    Value:  200  
    Target:  Group  
    Range:  1000
    Duration:  5 min  
    Casting time:  instant
    This spell is cast when the item is used.

stat drain:  Decreased the target's listed stat(s), and transfers them to the caster.
    Str/Con decrease:  30
    Target:  Targetted
    Duration:  1 min
    Casting time:  instant
    Radius:  350
    Damage:  Body
    This spell is cast when the item is used.
    Can use item every 15 min

Credits: frothlord

Level 5 Ability:  It does not stack with other ablatives, but it does overwrite the low one(50 health one). Haven't tested whether it will overwrite the 150 ablative yet.  Dec 17
- Slyzer

It absorbs 20% of each hit, up until 200 damage, at which point the ablative shield expires.
So if you get hit five times, each time for 200 damage, each hit is reduced to 160, and after the 5th hit, the shield expires.  Dec 17
- Eternal_Midnight

The level 5 ability is nice though. It works on pets too, so if you're a bonedancer or SM you can give your pet some added protection.  Dec 22
Both charges are on the same timer.
- frothlord

the lvl 10 ability. It's a complete and utter waste. So useless. A 30 value str/con debuff? First off, it only transfers 30 to you, and it does NOT stack with buffs...it will not raise you over caps. You basically have to use it instead of a conc buff...And it lasts a minute!  Dec 20
- supermali

Leveling the Artifact:

In Mid, I tested yesterday (after 1.68) and found that Animus in larnvidiur's lair do grant XP for the belt.  Feb 21
- Beornvar

Leveling off formor atm. Seems to be about 80milexp per 1% give or take.  Dec 15
- Steep

-Originally I had heard that Fomorians in Hibernia around breifine or Collory were great exp, but there , but Mythic must have redone the frontier mobs awhile back and now I hear they are only in Hib SI.
-Animus Giants in SI (Iarnwood), no luck.
+++Hrimthrusa Guards/Warriors in front of TG (Green/Blue/Yellow Con) Easy to kill, spread far apart, recommend soloing these. Around 20-40 million exp a kill. A guy on another post said he had to kill 400 of these to get 1 lvl. That isnt looking like my kinda scene atm.
+++Jotuns in Vanern Swamp (Green-Purple Con) The Orange+ con jotuns are very difficult to kill solo or duo, their spawn is very random and they are spread out. These require a lot of downtime, I received around 20-68 million exp and change.
+++Raven Claw Clan mobs in the Albion Frontier, ive seen them before, but cant seem to find them. I ran into the complete opposite in the south west part of Pennine. A village of little people. =/
+++Rock Warriors Giant, blue colored, red/grape con giants in Albion and Midgard Frontiers. They are difficult because they have healers/shamans/archers/casters/tanks in their groups.
+++ToA Cyclops, Hard to get a constant farm going with these, but you can also farm scrolls at the same time. Red/Grape Con, these are located in the Aerus Haven vicinity around Green Glades and Arbor Glen. Some of these giants will hit for around 400-600 damage. So be careful.  Dec 16
- Daedaleus

Rock giants next to Glenlock and Fensalir I think are the ideal place if you have 3-4 people, though I haven't tried it.   Dec 17
- Xorn

In hibernia a good spot is either Fomor or Tur Suil, both of which are in SI. Outside Tur Suil is also good.  Dec 17
- Avanthar

In Albion, I've been leveling the belt solo at the Stoncrush Excavators and Stonecrush Rockcrushers in Dartmoor. (some blue, but mostly yellow/orange con to a lvl 50).  Dec 17
- MisterPox

Ravenclads in Pennine are on the top of a large hill, just SW of Caer Berkstead. If your guild claimed that keep, you would make very nice bonus exp.  Dec 17
- Baamboo

You should also do the Aerus armor quest "Jashan's brother" to get something with bonus vs giants.  Dec 17
- Rashka

i went and checked the animus inside Iarnvid this morning and they do NOT give xp for the belt.  Dec 18
- Uglisima

You should be able to farm the giants in Snowdonia with ease. Same with the ones in Pennines if you go on the back side of their hill.
No one ever hunts in Snowdonia, at least on Perc. And I bet 95% of the Albs here don't know you can go around behind the giant's mountain in Pennines. There's many giants there you can farm completely hidden from sight.  Dec 18
- Elbarad

I am leveling it on Broken Jotuns in Vanern. That being said, I am also a warrior so it is very, very easy.  Dec 17
- Slyzer

Jotuns are everywhere in Vanern. The highest level ones are along the north zone wall.  Dec 17
- Moller


The target zone is 48k 40k to 51k 40k in Ocean Hesp.  You are looking for leopard sharks in that area.  There is one that cons org to 50 and he attacks the other sharks in that area.  That is the one that you want.  This particular shark respwans in less than 10 mins.  You can attack it while the shark is killing other sharks in the area.  Everyone can use the belt but has little use to those who focus in power.  I have not activated it yet but will be going to get scrolls now. Dec 15
- Kasparov

Try location 48k 44k in Hesperos. That seems to be the best place to find the orange con leopard shark. If you hit it or nuke it and it doesnt take damage right away, then thats the shark you want. Sometimes it even drops 2 belts. I had that happen twice.  Dec 24
- frothlord

one shark has chance to drop the belt at a time, the text is shown as yellow con on screen, but orange on info/hp bar. What happens is, the one who has the belt attacks other leopard sharks until it dies; the shark who kills the "Oglidarsh shark" will get the power transfered to it. That's the reason for the yellow/orange con "mixup."   Dec 15
- Landis


Scroll pieces:  Oligdarsh's Scrolls

Piece 1 of 3
Skyros stormbringers, Skyros monitors
Piece  2 of 3
Skyros peltasts, Skyros tidal soldiers
Piece  3 of 3
Skyros nullifiers, Skyros sea mages

What the combined scrolls read:
Oglidarsh the Half-Giant's Story says:
"I see Atlantis. They are proud people. But the hills, that is my people. We have been here since before Atlantis. But we will not be here after Atlantis. Already the tribes dwindle. It is of no big thing. Time comes. Time goes. It is my tribes' time to go and it is time for Atlantis' people to come. I am not a giant of many words.

Oglidarsh the Half-Giant's Story says:
"My belt is fitted just to me. It makes me stronger, stronger even then the greatest of my tribes. I know no fear when I wear it. I use it often. Why should I not? It is the gift of a king to his champion. I would rather have its magic, than see it given to some other through accident or design.

Oglidarsh the Half-Giant's Story says:
"Would it not be funny, after all, if my belt were given by accident? Ha ha, I imagine my belt flowing out to the seas on my death. I imagine a great shark swallowing my belt. WOuld that not be funny? A shark stronger than all other sharks, bolder even than sharks already are? One that lived longer, and knew not why? Ha ha ha yes, it would be funny if a shark were to eat Great Oglidarsh's belt!"   Nov 28 
- Galadriale Tis

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