Scarab Wing Vest Error processing SSI file

Scarab Wing Vest

Used by those of a non-pious nature who prefer armor made primarily of leather
Classes that can use:  INF, SCOU, NS, RANG, BM, BARD, SB, HUNT, BER, SAV
Artifact XP: Slaying Atlantean scarabs
Chestpiece, Unactivated screen shot
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped: 

Artifact Level Abilities Gained
Stealther version
Archer version
Dexterity +15 Dexterity +15
Crush 5% Crush 6%

Slash 6% Slash 5%

Thrust 6% Thrust 6%

resistance enhancement
resistance enhancement Stealther
Bonus to style damage  4%
Bonus to archery range  4%

Bonus to melee damage  4%
Bonus to archery damage  4%

Level 10 Ability
Level 10 Ability - receiving end
Dueling Scarabs

resistance enhancement:  Enhances the target's resistance to the listed damage type.
    Resist crush/slash/thrust:  3
    Target:  Self
    Duration:  Permanent
    Casting time:  instant
    This spell is active when the item is worn

Illusion:  Target has been shapechanged.
    Target:  Targetted
    Range:  350
    Duration:  30 sec
    Casting time: instant
    Damage:  Body  
    Also casts:  speed decrease Value:  35%
    nearsight Value:  50%
    Spell has a chance of casting when this armor is hit by an enemy.

Golden Scarab Vest - All versions of the vest that have archery range and archery damage bonuses had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%. The crush and thrust resist bonuses were each increased by 1%. Each version of the vest that had the style damage and melee damage bonuses had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%. The crush and slash resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)
These patch notes were inaccurate.  How it really turned out was that the version of the vest that has style dmg and melee dmg bonuses (the stealther version) had the bonuses reduced by 1%, and the slash and thrust resists were increased by 1%.   Feb 22
- Cpek

More pictures (no stats):
Celt in the Vest
Savage in the Vest 
Norseman Shadowblade in the Vest
Infiltrator in the Vest 
Elf Nightshade in the Vest

Credits: Dakes, Dyrk, Rasputiin, Schmaga, Khabalseed, east_villager, Aldwin, Yrodable, ryse, Horfest, Flamminred, Sneekypeeps

About the Level 10 Ability:
It wasn't MY vest that procced, I got procced ON lol.
Here's the message you see: "Your body is compressed and distorted into the form of a scarab. Your new scarab wings and legs are harder to work than they look, keeping you from moving rapidly. Your new scarab eyes are also a problem, making seeing difficult."
Nearsight didn't mean anything to me, I was in close melee at the time.   Jan 8
- Restless

Actually, it is only a snare and nearsight. There is no attack speed reduction.  Jan 8
- Styl

This is probably the best thing ever for my Blademaster.
If enemy tanks are attacking me... I'm not going to turn and fight them, I want to keep attacking my targets. If the reactive goes off and snares them, then I can continue doing my job.
This proc is fantastic.   Jan 8
- HarmonicDiscord

Leveling the Artifact:

So I have only found Lava Bugs in Typhon's Reach.  Scarabs in Stygian Delta.   Nov 29
- Smalliam

Be careful with lava bugs as they call for help.
The nilidhin(sp?) scarabs in Stygian Delta are a lot higher con than sunburst/blazing so they are great for groups with multiple spear users.   Nov 29
- Rakhir

I found another location for the Prisim Scarab, which I assume if with the new patch.   17k 9k. SD    Nov 22

I finally activated the vest last night and began to level it. Let me just warn you that levelling the vest is horrible. Mainly because I hate farming anything for hours. A pally friend, myself, and a buffbot tear up the blue con sunburst scarab camp. The exp is still going extremely slow and this is non stop pulling 2-4 at a time. We tried the nihilb camp with the orange/red scarabs but the spawn became way too slow for us after 1/2 hr. About 3 hours spent farming and I am only 37% into the first level. Going to be a long haul     Nov 14
- Kaladar


Players must now be level 46 to speak to Tey and create the Magical Scarab-wing Gloves.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

Note:  The stealth trick no longer works.  You have to have neutral or better faction with the Mau now before you can turn the scarab wings into Tey.  Dec 16
- Rasputiin

1) get good mau faction.  You can do this by either killing setians or by doing the Sekhmet quests and the Bastet quests.  Some have said it's faster to just kill setians, one guy said his faction went neutral to mau after getting 3 bubs of xp at lvl 45 off of setians. 

On my Shadowblade I had to do:  Bastet 2 times, Sekhmet 5 times
On my Hunter I had to do:  Bastet 5 times, Sekhmet 8 times    Feb 3 
- Streetwalker

2) go into the main mau town (west of the haven) and fine a purp mau named Tey, Tey will tell you to go get 50 Magic Scarab Wings

3) Go nw untill you find a bunch of rocks / trees with ALOT of blue con blazing scarabs.   55k, 45k Land of Atum  (loc from Bloodreign)

4) now the extemely boring part, you must now camp that spot ... every time a scarab pops it has a seemingly 1/50-100 chance of being a prism scarab which will 100% drop A magic scarab wing.

5) once you have 50 magic scarab wings go back to Tey and hand them in .. 1 by 1 ... she will give you af1 no stat 0qual gloves ... equip them walk over to the cursed scarab vest and pick it up.

6) ur done ...

One guy could not find the gloves right away.  He logged back in the next day and the vest was at Stygia Delta 9718, 51713.  Feb 3    - Streetwalker


The spawn rates for the prism scarabs at 55k, 45k (Land of Atum) wasn't too bad. It is the same camp where you find the scarabs Sabah and Yafeu for one version of the Mau of Bastet quest. It took me about 7 hours to obtain the 50 Magical Scarab Wings.  4 hours solo (with cleric bot) the other 3 hrs
with a necro.  The spawn rate decreases significantly during the night.
The prism scarabs are casters and have a dd aoe, stun and root. The appropriate resists on armor or cleric buffs help reduce the impact of these signficantly.
The scarabs are vulnerable to crush arrows.
The nomadic band of Mau will occasionally walk through and/or around the scarab camp, so be sure everyone in your group has good Mau faction, including bots.
Mesedsubastet (Healing Embrace Cloak artifact) also wanders there. Killing it or any other sacred lion is very likely to damage your Mau faction, so don't be tempted...      Dec 22
- Alvargi

Respawn time seems to be 2 days now.

I managed to get the mau 'friendly' con to me by doing the Sekmet and Bastet quests once. I then killed about 100 Setians or more, including the occasional Sandscryer, Sandstrutter and Scouts.   Dec 9

I don't have a loc of where the chestpiece is located, but I can say where it is.
There are 4 larger tents in the settlement facing N/S/W/E. It is found NW of the east tent (the tent across from Tey's tent). When I say NW, I mean it's one or two steps NW from the NW corner of the east tent, just laying there on the ground. You can't miss it, honestly.
Sucks about the spawntime      Nov 12
- Magosian

I didn't see a secret to getting the 50 wings. Sometimes they repop right away and sometimes they don't pop for an hour.
The fastest way I found to get them was just kill every bug you can find if one isn't up, preferable in a group of 2 or more. Why a group? A lot of times you would get an add that happens to be the prism-scarab. That prism-scarab was behind a rock, on a rock or high above so it was always a nice surprise and who knows how long it would have taken me to see it.     Nov 11
- Styl

Bence made the vest to protect Helenia.
Helenia was wearing the vest when she died, holding the stone(s) of atlantis. The warrior she was to trade them with took the stones and left her trapped to die where she was.
Bence then cursed the vest for eternity, or until somebody figured out how to lift the curse.
I'd say the vest is bence and the stones are helenia.   11/4
- east_villager

once somebody gets the vest, it doesn't respawn for awhile. I got the vest yesterday morning, and it wasn't respawned when I logged out the next morning.   11/5
- east_villager

"Can you tell me how many more I have in store for me?"
I did it 5 times before they went neutral.
Prism-winged scarab is in the scarba camp just inside the Land of Atum a bit south of the river. Its the camp where 2 named scarabs spawn.
The vest is on the ground in the mau bastet camp in Stygia Delta close to the border with Atum on the south side of the river.    11/5
- Traq

That quest gets you gloves. The vest is cursed when you find it. Those gloves allow you to pick up/uncurse the vest.   11/5
- Ulfhednar Slybiter

The gloves disintergrate when you pick up the vest.    11/10
- Omenborn

got a Magical Scarab wing of a Prismatic Scarab... seems to be rare pops. Standard Scarab wings don't work, the mob specifically states prismatic winged scarabs.   11/5
- NarseofGui

Scroll pieces:  Bence's Letters

Bence's Letter, 1 of 3 was dropping from rare and difficult to reach mobs. The scroll has been added to setian sandscryers, setian tremorlings, and setian sandstrutters that are more accessible and common.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

Piece 1 of 3
setian sandscryers, setian sandstrutters, setian tremorlings
Piece 2 of 3
setian sandstrutters, setian tremorlings
Piece 3 of 3
setian sandscryers

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Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004