Scepter of the Meritorious Error processing SSI file

Scepter of the Meritorious

Used by those who prefer to bludgeon their enemies
Classes that can use:  CLER, DRU, WARD, BARD, HEAL, SHA
Artifact XP:  earns experience from any rvr  (1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)
Crush Damage 1H:  dps 15.0, spd 3.6, Unactivated screen shot
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:   This has been done with 6 people.

Artifact Level Abilities Gained

Strength +12
Dexterity +12

Matter 4%

Energy 4%

stat drain

Bonus to hit points cap:  40

Bonus to melee damage  5%
Aura of Kings


stat drain:  Decreases the target's listed stat(s), and transfers them to the caster.
    Str/Con decrease:  25
    Target:  Targetted
    Range:  1000
    Duration:  1 min
    Casting time:  instant
    Damage:  Body
    Spell has a chance of casting when this weapon strikes an enemy.

Aura of Kings:  Target has improved armor and health while within range of this aura.
    Bonus:  4%
    Target:  Self
    Duration:  5 sec
    Frequency:  5.0 sec
    Casting time:  instant
    This spell is cast when the item is used

Scepter of the Meritorious - The melee damage bonus on the Scepter was reduced by 3%. The strength and dexterity bonuses have been increased by 2.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

Credits: Shroomius, Juansanchez VillaLobosRamirez, DNA, Umhal GaelMaor, Vadoc, Blackjackx

Leveling the Artifact:

The Scepter levels off of stealthers from other realms. However, the wielder of the scepter has to be the one making the killing blow, or so I have seen, and being a Cleric, I don't kill too many on my own. I have been with several groups that have killed stealthers and the scepter has yet to receive any experience.   Jan 16
- Mizerath


In Oceanus Boreal, at apx. 47k, 5k near the Haven of Stygia, there is a purple-con npc challenge giver, named Ferenc.

Upon accepting the challenge, he spawns a series of blue-oj con caster mobs. They tend to fan out and even try to kite a little bit, so this is much easier if you have a mezzer in the group. After about 5 minutes of this, the purple con attacks you. After you beat him, you get an artifact:
Scepter of the Meritorious. description: useful for those who bludgeon their enemies (or something like that..). From the icon and the name, I'm guessing it's a 1h crush weapon.
Do-able with 3 or 4 people if you have the right classes present.
trust me, it's very doable with 3-4 ppl if they are good players. I've farmed 5 scepters so far, for the heck of it. I just got done doing it 40 minutes ago in a group of 4 +2 bots; no deaths, not even any close calls. Of course we have overpowered fotm midgard classes (we had a Thane).
- Bigalow

at 48484 x 11659 in Boreal, there's a croc man named Fenerc(sp) that says something like "If you are here, you must be seeking the artifact,if you can pass the trials, i will give it to you, tell me when you are ready" and when your ready, he starts poping mobs like the Acrylia trials in EQ. you have to stay inside the ring and beat down the waves of mobs that increase in number and level as it progresses. I died trying it, i was solo
- Bluespeed


The from which you recieve this quest insta repops on a dime. Walk up, talk to him (look around the huge pile of rubble ruins, he's there, can't miss him, in the general 33, 51 Boreal area. He's on land, yes. You know you're getting close when you start seeing many many large circular pads. Talk to him. He gives you the option of taking the challenge. After accepting, you're given ten seconds. After that, three blue casters spawn. They will DD, bolt, and mez. Take 'em out. Next, 2-5 blue/yellow will poof. Next, 2-5 yellow. Next, 2-5 yellow/orange. Next, ~7 blue/yellow/orange. Next, ~4-5 blue/yellow/orange. Next, ~5-6 yellow/orange. Finally, 3 orange. Then he'll broadcast spam you, and charge. He's a powerful caster, but you can walk up and smack him. He parries quite insanely, so get as many tanks behind him as you can. ALL of them will parry an unbelievable amount, in fact.
Kill him, you'll get two pieces of ROG loot, and the scepter is yours. He will instantly repop, ready to take on the next batch of adventurers. :) These were done with the following crew: 50 reaver, 50 reaver, 50 combat warden, 50 healing warden, 50 hero, 50 shaman.
- Matipzieu

Scroll pieces:  Adne's Letters

Piece 1 of 3
Naxos focused, Naxos tidal razorfins
Piece 2 of 3
Naxos suppressors, Naxos darkbringers
Piece 3 of 3
Naxos frostblades, Naxos rymesters

Error processing SSI file
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004