Shades of Mist Error processing SSI file

Shades of Mist

Used by those who move unseen and by those who stand at the front of battle.
Classes that can use:  INF, MINS, SCOU, ARMS, PAL, REAV, MERC, NS, RANG, HERO, BM, CHA, VW
Artifact XP: 
Cloak, Unactivated screen shot
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:    This has been done with 1 group.  This has also been done by only a necro and a buffbot.

Artifact Level Abilities Gained
Rogue classes
Melee classes
Stealth +3
Parry +3
Picture of Cloak
Strength +15
Strength +15
Quickness +15
Quickness +15
Stealth Lore
Stealth Lore
Bonus to armor factor:  10
Bonus to armor factor:  10
Bonus to melee combat speed  5%
Bonus to melee combat speed  5%
defensive proc
defensive proc Stats

Stealth Lore:  Target has a greater chance of uncovering stealthed opponents.  If the target has the Stealth skill, their ability to use stealth is greater as well.
    Stealth bonus:  35
    Target:  Self
    Duration:  1 min
    Casting time:  instant
    This spell is cast when the item is used

Basic Stealth Lore, Stealth Lore, and Greater Stealth Lore have had their durations reduced to 30, 60, and 90 seconds respectively. The bonus to stealth detection granted by these abilities has also been moderately increased.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

defensive proc: Shade Skin
    Target:  Self
    Duration  10 min
    Casting time:  2 sec
    Sub-spell:  Adds a shield to the recipient which will temporarily absorb some of the damage type specified.
    Absorption:  100%
    Value:  200
    Target:  Self
    Duration:  30 sec
    Casting time:  instant

Credits: Jeryvn, Jekyyl, Aubrianna Chaotic

The level 10 abiltiy is a shapechange (shade form) that gives you a chance to proc a 200 point ablative. I was grouped with a Cleric while shapchanged and when he cast his Heal Proc buff, it poped me out of shade form. I did notice when I had the heal proc on first and changed to shade I get a message saying “you already have a defensive spell affect!”. And sure enough, when fighting the ablative never went off.  Dec 15
- Stiv

To use the Level 10 ability:
I had that problem at first and what I do is rt click the cloak and the /use2. Goes of every time. The first ability is used in normal fashion on the qbar.  Dec 24
- Rhombur Duskbringer


Location:  The cloak is loacted North of the entrance of Typhon's Reach   Nov 18  - Gaavsti

Shades of Mist encounter doesnt need to be done with a 2fgs or even a fg. need primary healer, endurance, a couple tanks... ae would be nice... but we didnt have.
Strategy. One person runs in takes the cloak off while everyone else stays outside the ring. Let that person die and then pull one of the sphinxes. rez that person.
 after sphinx 1 is killed the other 2 sphinxes will attack the person who got the cloak, let them die and pull one after that. rez the person. then kill last sphinx.  easy
Thing to remember is the sphinxes will all aggro on whomever has the cloak. so let them die then pull.  Dec 16
- Mardagen

If the statue is up the encounter is. Right click the statue and remove its cloak which is powering the sphinx's (making them uber!). All three will charge you, they are simple, they try and grab for the cloak but when you kill the one that got it you get it again. Anyway, if one sphinx is engaged most will attack a couple poeple then walk away so you can fight them 1 at a time if you want. After all 3 are dead you get a message saying the magic on the cloak is broken. Walk out of the circle and it turns into Shades of Mist.
This is located in hte most NW region of Typhon before the first briges, cant miss it.    Nov 18
- Captn Shiner

Ok if you pull the sphinx's before talking to the statute they hit like a truck for about 800 damage a pop, but if you get the cloak they hit for alot less and take damage fast.   Nov 18
- Xefxtor


It's not possible to leave the arena with the cloak without killing the Greater Criosphinxes, I've tried -everything-. You need a good solid group to kill them. Once you have have beaten them and leave the arena, the Long Black Cloak will transform to the Shades of Mist.
- Fuga

We found an artifact called Shades of Mist out in Typhon's Reach. I can't find the paper where i wrote the loc down. This is what I can say though:
3 Sphinxes protect a neutral statue surrounded by a magical barrier. The moment you talk to the statue, the barrier is broken and the sphinxes come to life. They all attack at the same time and cannot be pulled. You need a good 2fg or so with a decent amount of healing power. We did it with 1.5fg (3 healers, 2 shamans, 2 hunters, warrior, savage, skald, and a beserker). Takes about 10-15minutes and if someone dies a snake spawns out of the body. - Jeryvn

you can pull the sphinxs one at a time from outside the circle. It makes this one a very easy encounter with a good solid group.   11/10
- Martee


The sphinxes drop TONS of 1H slashers/thrusters/maces. The thrusters have the whole polearm effect, and they're pretty neat since they're 4.4 speed (my guildmaster loves them on his thrust merc). They're ROG and only one or two of the ones that drop will be MP, but over 10 weapons WILL drop, and it's doable with one group.    Nov 18
- Drusain Lamorak

Silksteel Soot Stained Boots 51AF, 100 Qua
+18 Int
+18 Dex
+5% Power Pool
+6 Dex and Int cap
+7% Casting Speed
+8% Damage to magical & elementals
+150 Ablative Proc     Dec 23
- Sivlar Sylvannathas

arcanium Soot Smudged Boots   Jan 14
- Wriuss MowMow

Scroll pieces:  Regarding Shades

Piece 1 of 3
siam-he portal priest, Nebkare Siam-he priest, Kakhet Siam-he priest
Piece 2 of 3
siam-he devotee
Piece 3 of 3
Nebkare Siam-he warrior, Ausar Siam-he warrior, Sahathor Siam-he warrior, Kakhet Siam-he warrior

Error processing SSI file
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004