Snakecharmer's Weapon Error processing SSI file

Snakecharmer's Weapon

Classes that can use:  REAV, VW, SAV
Artifact XP:  Slaying enemies belonging to the Iaculi faction
Greave:  Thrust Damage, dps 16.5, spd 4.0, useable in left hand.
Whip:  Slash Damage, dps 16.5, spd 4.0
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:   This has been done with 3 people.

Artifact Level Abilities Gained

Flexible, Hand to Hand, or Scythe  +3

Heat 4%

Cold 4%

Energy 4%

Bonus to melee combat speed 3%

lifetap which also steals pow and end points

Matter 4%

Body 4%

Spirit 4%

Bonus to melee damage 4%

Shield/Damage Return

How the charge works

Level 5 Ability:  lifetap which also steals pow and end points
    Target:  Targetted
    Range:  350
    Casting time:  instant
    Damage:  Body
    Spell has a chance of casting when this weapon strikes an enemy.

Shield/Damage Return:  Blocks a portion of melee damage dealt to target and damages the attacker instead.
    Value:  20%
    Target:  Self
    Duration:  5 min
    Casting time:  instant
    This spell is cast when the item is used.

Snake charmers Whip, Greave, and Scythe - The melee haste bonus was reduced by 2%, and the melee damage bonus was reduced by 1%. The heat, cold, energy, matter, body, and spirit resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

Credits: Tryr, Columbos, Anty, Revn, Deirbhile, Kenade

Leveling the Artifact:

The level of the snake you're killing does matter, but the reason why it doesn't appear this way is because when you're solo you gain the same amount of exp from the orange snake camp as opposed to the red superior iaculus camp (roughly 65 million per kill if camp bonus is intact).
Leveling the greave behaves the same way the exp code does as if you were to level your character from 1 to 50.  The higher the mob, the more exp you get (until you ultimately reach a cap).  If you group someone and kill an orange iaculus, you get roughly 40 million exp per kill - which does slightly impair the exp gained for the greave.  But if you go to the superior camp, both members will gain ~65 million exp per kill - so there is no loss in exp.    Nov 27
- Anty


Maedion's exact loc is 10.8, 16.5 in Land of Atun.  It's south of the Necropolis entrance a short distance, up on the ridge.

Maedion was hostile towards me when I received the request to help him through the snakes, seems that faction does not matter when trying to get the scythe.   Dec 22

The snake charmer spawns on the ridge around the Necropolis in Land of Atum. It is located in the North West corner of the zone. He spawns infront of 3 columns on the Western side of the ridge.

Once you have initiated the quest the snakecharmer will start to walk and 30ish Iaculus snakes will spawn along the ridge.

You will want to start gathering all the agro and killing it as fast as possible. There are various ways of doing this using AE kiting and or PBAE.

Along the trip the snakecharm will stumble and fail in his notes and all the nearby snakes will try to kill him. Its essential you keep him alive. This is why you want to kill as many of the snakes as possible. Becareful when using the AE attacks so as to not agrot he snake charmer himself.

Once the snakecharmer reaches the otherside safely and stands by the ruins you will need to talk to him again and he will reward you. I am not 100% if you need to kill all snakes but I don't think so.


I've checked on the Snakecharmer's spawn timer and noticed that it is indeed not 10+ hours as i've seen it spawn no sure on the 'exact' time but when I checked it was four hours almost on the mark.
Also just to add to that if the Sphinx does disappear that does mean a 10 hour time -I believe- not positive on that, but it seems that way.    Feb 3

- Ledria

Our group tried rooting Maedion during his walk and we killed most of the snakes.  When his root was done, he chased our bard until he lost aggroe, then started to walk back to his standing place next to the sphynx with what looked like -99% speed.  We checked on him every 30 minutes for several hours until we found he was completely gone and had to wait until the next day (11 hours or so) to try the encounter again.  It would be apparent that any form of attack on him by a player does not allow completion and is not worth the reset timer which has been nearly 10 hours everytime our group has retried.
On a further note, shortly after Maedion's disappearance, the sphynx ran at mach speed through a setian camp our group was at and then returned to his standing spot, but Maedion had still not appeared again.   Dec 23
- Sickel

If you accidentally agro the guy:  once the guy is unagro'd he doesn't go back to the pillars that you start at, he goes to where he got agro's and restarts.  Soon he starts playing his flute again, and that respawns all the snakes, too.  Then you can continue with the encounter.  Dec 31
- Airtech

you should be able to clear all the snakes in your path by agroing them and running them away from the snake charm to AE mezz or simply kill.

It should also be possible to have a CC character who is not in group keep the snakecharmer mezzed and or rooted long enough to kill all the snakes then simple suicide or log out to clear the agro and let the snakecharm resume his path. (this is untest though)

Using a AE dot kite run is probably the most efficient way of handling all these snakes next to a standard PBAE group. Just make sure not to get teh snakecharmer in the radius.

Tips on Mau Faction:
The absolute easiest way to attain good faction with MAU is to simply kill the Setians. Partaking in the ML4.2 trial quest should ensure Nuetral faction or simply chain pulling a laborer camp.

The second way to get nuetral faction is to do the quests by the sphinx.
These are listed at the following links:
Mau of Bastet Quest
Mau of Sekhmet Quest

Killing Setians should get both factions to nuetral while the quests are for only one of the factions at a time.

Timer:  This quest has a supposed 10 hour+ respawn timer. Though not confirmed.   Dec 4
- Baloria

Scroll pieces:  Julea's Story 

Piece 1 of 3
setian serfs, setian sandscryers

Piece 2 of 3
setian sandscryers, setians
Piece 3 of 3
setian warriors

Error processing SSI file
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004