Staff of the God Error processing SSI file

Staff of the God

Artifact XP: Slaying enemies belonging to the Skyros Order, Naxos Society, or Melos Alliance
Staff, Crush Damage:  dps 16.5, spd 4.0, Two-Handed
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:  This is really hard.  Yes, it has been done with 3 people, they had SoS.  This has also been done successfuly at least a couple of times with one full group.  However, I also know of people that tried this with 2 full groups including 4 pbaoers and failed.

Artifact Level Abilities Gained
Caster Version
Friar (healing classes?) version
Focus Bonuses All Spell Lines: 50 lvls
Bonus to armor factor:  10
Bonus to acuity cap:  5

Bonus to Dexterity cap:  5


Energy 5%
Spirit 5%

Bonus to spell range:  5%
Bonus to healing effectiveness 5%
Stealth Lore

Greater Stealth Lore

Tempest:  Target is snared, and their combat accuracty is impaired.  Unlike other snares, this snare cannot be broken by being struck in battle.
    Movement penalty:  25%
    Accuracy penalty:  10%
    Target:  Targetted
    Range:  1500
    Duration:  30 sec
    Casting time:  instant
    Radius:  700
    Damage:  Body
    This spell is cast when the item is used.

Stealth Lore:  Target has a greater chance of uncovering stealthed opponents.  If the target has the Stealth skill, their ability to use stealth is greater as well.
    Stealth bonus:  ?
    Target:  Self
    Duration:  1 min
    Casting time:  instant

Basic Stealth Lore, Stealth Lore, and Greater Stealth Lore have had their durations reduced to 30, 60, and 90 seconds respectively. The bonus to stealth detection granted by these abilities has also been moderately increased.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

Credits: Alithravielle Crimson, fech, Zyand Longstaff, kevawn

The Level 5 charge is on a completely seperate timer from other roots and snares.
It is not affected by determination.
It leaves no immunity effect, so multiple people using the SoG5 charge could keep a group "perma-snared".
You can use this charge (and I think all other weapons) if they are in a weapon slot, but they don't have to be equipped to use them.   Jan 30
- Notin

The stealth lore ability on my staff says 30
And its a timed ability. It is a self buff that lasts for 10 min. and can be cast every 15.(5 min. downtime)
When buffed with SL (as a caster in this case) i can see stealthers at about 2-4 horse links away. Its still hard to spot them.....I usually just spam nearest enemy while running around known spots and watch for an enemy to show up on my screen...stop stun and kill em  Dec 22
- Beowollf

Leveling the Artifact:

Kithana's Sanctuary. Has all 3 major types of mobs needed to level the SoG. Melos in particular have plenty of OJs (and the occasional Red).
Forgot the exact loc, but it's West-Northwest of Naxos and directly West of Cetus' Lair, near the very north tip of Meso.   Dec 4
- Palendor

It probably takes about 3-5 hours per level, and I level in kithra sanctuary killing oj/red melos mobs.   Nov 20
- Hampton HasPantheonPride

Kithana's Sanctuary exact /loc is 28805, 8032. Dec 8 - Rauchbier


This is really hard, some people have been able to do it, and many others have failed even going with more than a group.

Picture of staff before pickup Dec 8 - Rauchbier

Location:  Staff,  Mesothalassa  15151, 58638.  
- Llava
Lemon Tree island is at 43,50 Hesp
- Darkminion

Guinevere Mids found an easy way to get the staff.  Lvl 6 sojourner grabs the staff.  Lvl 6 sojourner teleports back to last bind point.  Done.   Feb 1

To do this with 3 people:

I just wanted to say that it is possible to get the Staff of God with only a Minstrel, Cleric, and any tank you can find. What we did was a 47 Armsmen picked up the staff, we had ablative running, as soon as he picked it up we SoS'ed and BoF'ed, if worse comes to worst you can always use an insta on the tank. Then ran up to the shore from there we just road a Skiff to the lemon tree.    Nov 19
- Ledria

To do this with 1 or 2 groups:

1.5 grps. Main grp was 2 wardens, 2 shield heroes, 2 druids, bard, chanter.
2nd grp was 2ments, chanter, druid, 2 bards.
Shield hero (being guarded by other shield hero) picked up staff. All 3 bards threw every mezz in the book on every shark they could see. Druids and Ments healed, PBAE killed anything that resisted or broke mez. Didn't end up having to use any instas or AM, mezzes stopped most of the sharks.  Jan 23
- Curz

How Percival midgaard did it since we don’t SoS of BoF (RA review!) nor do we have the ability to setup an animist farm.  Had about 4fg for this and /random the staff.  Doing this a few times until the raid leader, Dubba, gets one.

Rule #1) The more the merrier.
Rule #2) Bring a shield tank with MoP 3, and preferably AP
Rule #3) As many pbaoe’ers and aoe’ers and healers as you can get.

Put everyone at bottom next to staff.  Now spread your healers out along a line up and to the east island shore.  As the grabber swims up chain heal him and if he hits 33% insta him.

1) Pick a suicider to pick up the staff first.  Start a count down from 10.  At 3 seconds to go have your PBAOE bombers start chain casting pbaoe.  Have the suicider pick up the staff and clear the first aggro.

2) Quickly have your MoP 3 shield tank, preferably AP, pick it up and start swimming to EAST island.  Don’t go fast or slow, just steady.  Give your PBAOE’s time to sprint ahead and start casting.  AOEs should pick closet target and bomb it to death.  While this is going on have your chain of healers start chain healing grabber.

3) Once on east island goto west side of island and get on your boats.

4) Sail to Lemon island in hesp 43/50 and cleanse the staff.

The hesp that guard the lemon tree are very killable by a small 4 group zerg like we were.  Was rather fun killing to tell you the truth.   Jan 8
- Darlini Dragonrider

Another hib battlegroup did this with 2.5 groups.  5 druids, 2 wardens, 2 bards, 2 heal spheres were used at the bottom.  5 pbaoers and an animist, and a hero grabbed the staff.  They killed most of the sharks after the staff was grabbed, and before the hero tried to rise to the surface.  Then the hero surfaced, jumped in a skiff and rode it to the lemon tree.   Jan 5
- Mura

The Group:
1 Hero (With shield and IP, but I don’t know if he used IP or not)
1 Blademaster
1 Eldritch (With MoC)
1 Enchanter (With MoC)
3 Druids (At least one with BoL)
1 Bard (With AM, but I don’t think we even used it)
First, I parked my skiff directly above the staff and made a /vinvite macro for everyone in group.  We all took potions (The crafted with 180% speed) and went down to the staff together. The Hero guarded the Eldritch (Me), and the Blademaser protected the Enchanter. Now several things happened at once here: 1) Hero hit Moose 2) Hero grabbed staff 3) Druids started healing 4) The Eldritch (Me) and the Enchanter hit MoC and started PBAEing like mad. Once the sharks were dead, I said UP and we swam up. I invited them all [<3 macros (though I did forget the Enchanter… oops)]. As soon as the druids and the Hero were in boat I took off to Lemon Island. The Hero blocked 8 million arrows as he cleansed the staff for me and gave it to me. Victory imo.    Nov 21
- Beimeith

1 shield warrior
1 Zerk
2 Sm's (MoC)
1 Mend healer
1 Pbter
1 shammie bot
Kinda of a pain, but we did it recently. Trick was, block for the holder, sm's do thier thing, and as soon as the sharks are thin, swim up. About 2/3 way up, you can look up, and double click the boat, and be inside it, saving alot of swimmin, and agro.
Easy? NO...doable yes.
Zerk was the grabber, with IP.  Dec 20
- Califor Nication

I got the staff with this group: 
2 MoC sm's ( pbao'ed as much as possible, killed them all )
2 Healers ( One for heals only and one for STUN, VERY IMPORTANT, mezz doesnt work very well, tried it 5-6 times, no sharks wanted to get mezzed )
1 Savage ( Grabbed the Staff )
1 Shaman ( for buffs )
1 Runemaster ( me, using PBT )
1 Warrior ( He was playing the healer +blocking for the savage )


I have been hearing 6-8 hours respawn timer on the staff.   11/8
- Minikai

Only thing you need to be available for is when the person that grabs the staff uses the lemon. Stand next to that person , in his group, the whole duration , like 1 minute until the staff is revealed.    11/11
- Relik

Respawn time is unreal, waitied 4 hours with no luck last night, finally got it today.
- Vlakorados

It could be that only one instance of the staff can exist at one time. So..if someone else has the staff, untill they drop it, that's where it is, or untill they 'clean' it.
After I took it and used the lemon to clean it..I went back and took it again, then I dropped it and it was -instantly- stuck back in the rock.
- Palonecro

Scroll pieces:  Trident of the Gods and Staff of the God

Piece 1 of 3
Naxos focused, Naxos spirit callers
Piece 2 of 3 
Naxos ambushers, Nasxos skulkers
Piece 3 of 3
Naxos staghorns, Naxos wavelashers

Error processing SSI file
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004