Artifact Level | Abilities
Gained |
Comments/ Pictures |
Melee version |
Friar (and Nightshade?) version |
Caster version |
Druid version | ||
0 |
Constitution +18 | Dexterity +18 | Intelligence +18 |
Empathy +18 | |
1 |
Fatigue +8 | Fatigue +8 | Power: 8% of power pool | Power: 8% of power pool |
3 |
Crush 5% | Crush 5% | Crush 5% |
Crush 5% | |
4 |
Slash 5% | Slash 5% | Slash 5% |
Slash 5% | |
5 |
Efficient Endurance |
Efficient Endurance | Powershield | Powershield
7 |
Thrust 5% |
Thrust 5% | Thrust 5% |
Thrust 5% | |
9 |
? | Bonus to Dexterity cap: 5 | Bonus to Intelligence cap: 5 |
Bonus to Empathy cap: 5 | |
10 |
Efficient Healing |
Efficient Healing | Arcane Leadership | Arcane Leadership | Friar Druid |