Magical Ingredients Quest Error processing SSI file

Magical Ingredients Quest

Rastifannn had very strong feelings that the Magical Ingredients Quest was a waste of time, and the reward is not worth the effort.  He asked that people be advised on this point.

Starting NPC:  Alchemist Yilanna, Loc 56K,25K in Haven of Volcanus – Zone Oceanus Anatole  
- Legoasean

Level Requirement?

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
Lavendar and other parts of these must not be done in a group     - Ehlanaa

This quest requires you to fight a tough purple mob guarded by two ojs, three red mobs, then scavenge for two items in the landscape, and finally go underwater and get a barracuda body (which may, or may not be found on an actual barracuda atm.).
- NajiraDAoC

Gaa'rvik -  It is an Elemental Mob that is needed to be killed for the quest Magical Ingredients.  First Mob to kill.  I went out solo in search for it. When you get to it there will be two Defenders of Gaa'rvik to kill.  They were OJ to me, Lvl (50 Necro) I killed them both.  However, Gaa'rvik, is quite Purple, so didn't try him.   Dec 6
Heno Thanatos


The seaweed portion of this quest is at 49400 43900 in haven volcanus     Nov 20
- Gantor Gutslinger

To find lavender, go just north of Volc Town to a tree growing by itself and /dig there.I found it today.and also our group rec'd the Barracuda body as a drop from one of the merman type creatures,not a 'cuda.
- Ssstomp Rikterskale

Lavender root loc:  54.6 and 23.4
- GreymoreEversong

They new reward is an additional 10 charge aquatic freedom water breathing potion which is 160% speed and lasts for 30 minutes.  Still no exp , gold, or faction adjustments.
- Gantor Gutslinger
Error processing SSI file
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004