The Naxos Society, The Melos Alliance Quest, and The Skyros Order QuestsError processing SSI file

The Naxos Society, The Melos Alliance Quest, and The Skyros Order Quests

Map of the Oceanus Hesperos specifically for these quests   Jan 21   - Dirk

Starting NPC: 
On the center Island in Meso (the one at 35k, 35k), there are 3 djinn type mobs. Siriana, Mylia, and Noula, they are on different sides of the island.
You can get the following quests from them...
The Naxos Society - from Noula
The Melos Alliance - Mylia at Meso 30.6k, 31.5k
The Skyros Order - Siriana
- Ryguy105 and Chalid

You will only be given the faction quests as long as your faction to that mob is still aggressive.  If the starting NPC won't give you another quest, it is because you have fixed your faction.

Level Requirement:  A level 40 was able to get these.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:  At level 40, the final mob that had to be killed for a couple of these was red to me.  I brought a friend just in case.  The other mobs were yellow and orange.


Talk to the Starting NPC, see top of this page for list.

These quests are different for everyone.  The list of things you have to kill is different for everyone.  It seems like you have to kill 3 or 4 things, and you are done.  I cannot really list steps here because of that, instead I will list mobs that people have said they had to kill with the locs those people have provided.

The Melos Alliance 40-50:
Mylia – 30, 31 – Mesothalassa – Gives the quest
Hesperos Harpy Island – 16, 41 – Oceanus Hesperos
Palios Statue – 14, 45 and 14, 36 – Oceanus Hesperos
Barracuda – 26, 63 – Oceanus Hesperos
Cerek – 2, 57 – Oceanus Hesperos

someone else had to kill these:    Nov 16
Net Ripper Barracuda: Need the backbone, loc: 25,41 and 64,37
Large Eel: need the skin, loc 63,62
Redtail Triton: need fin, loc 26,13
Zenas (leopard shark): need tooth, loc 12,49
Most of the monsters are green too blue to a level 50.

someone else had to kill:
Large Eel for the spine:  Hesperos at 26.3k, 47.6k on ocean floor
blue-side shark for a pearl:  Hesperos at 21.5k, 64.5k
leapord shark for a moonstone:  Hesperos at 20.8k, 64.3k
Cynth for the aquamarine eye:  Hesperos at 9.5k, 47.4k
The Skyros Order 40-50:
Sirina – 38, 34 – Mesothalassa – Gives the quest
Hesperos Harpy Island – 16, 41 – Oceanus Hesperos
Amentia Harpy – 5, 40 – Oceanus Hesperos
Darklis – 4, 62 – Oceanus Hesperos

someone else had to kill:
Osoreos in Hesp 57.7k 58.9k
Ancus was a pain to find.. He is in Hesp 34k 54k if he is not there then you need to kill Vanol and he will spawn
- Anaiya

someone else had to kill
Nereus, a named moray eel.  He has been seen at 47k 33k and 44.5k 16.9k and 44700, 16700 in Oceanus Hesperos.
- Erde

"where the palios statue for step two of this quest is?"
You should have been taken to an island of low level statues in western Hesperos. There is one palios statue in the center of the island on a platform.  Dec 21
- Xorn

Sirina's Nereid is located at 39.6 31.6 7.4 in the water.  May be hostile mobs on the shoreline on the way between Sirina and the Nereid.  Jan 24
The Naxos Society 40-50:
Noula – 36, 36 – Mesothalassa – Give the quest
Octopus, Barracuda, Shark – 56, 39 – Oceanus Hesperos
Kelion – 56, 61 – Oceanus Hesperos
- Seekor
Vanol, named shark: 33500, 53411 in Oceanus Hesperos   - Sunraven
Nikyo under Naxos alliance in Hesp 30k 41.5k   - Anaiya

someone else had to kill:
leopard shark for spots:  Hesperos 12k, 48k (Noula's token dropped me off right here)
white bottom barracuda for gills:  Hesperos 32k, 60k, also at 25k, 45k
sandbar nereid for ocean sand:  Hesperos 7k, 49k
Teaon, named octopus, for ink:  Hesperos 23.7k, 46.6k


After doing this quest around 6 times (it might have been 5 or 7 :P) Siriana would not give the two characters I was doing the quest with the quest anymore.   Dec 3
- Steve Stair
Faction quests arent given anymore once you reach neutral faction with whatever it is for, so depending on what you killed before, it would affect the number of times you could do the quest.  Dec 3
- Kimbyr Heartfire

The requirements are different for each individual. I found these quests and then instructed my brother to the location. All his items to collect, including the named mobs, were different. The outcome, however, was the same.
- Lahmia Darkwalker

I'm not sure how many quests each of them give, but I finished The Naxos Society one and she gave me another one after that, but it was different. The reward for this was a +on the faction for the Naxos Society and I got a 1 charge breather potion, equivalent to the alchemy one.

The best part about these quests is that you can RIDE ON HAMMERHEADS! When you start the quest, the person gives you a token with their name on it, just go into the water nearby and give it to the mob that they state in the water, you instantly get put on a shark and head for your first mob to kill!
- Ryguy105


no xp

Treasure: 9 Gold and some Copper, Waterbreathing potion (same as a player made potion and can not be sold or traded).    Nov 16

The reward for this was a +on the faction for the Naxos Society and I got a 1 charge breather potion, equivalent to the alchemy one.
- Ryguy105
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