Seed Pouch Quest Error processing SSI file

Seed Pouch Quest

Starting NPC:  Astoissi at 11.6k,12.1k in Oceanus Hesperos

Level Requirement:  Lvl 50

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
You need two people for this.  This has been soloed by an enchanter, also soloed by a bonedancer.


From Stygia, it is fastest to swim to the island at 44k 37k in Oceanus Boreal.  Waiting for a boat to take out and then jump takes too long.  The swim isn't that bad.

There are 3 stones on the island, two are tall and one flat. You must plant seeds at all 3 and then harvest from all three. The possessive dust devils con Yellow to Orange, are aggresive, have long aggro range and pop extreemly fast. Very difficult to solo this, though I almost did on my Enchanter. Dust Devils ignore pet unless you dive out of range. Then when they get low on health, the run from pet.

If you are to do this with just 2 people, one can get both possessive dust devils aggro on him and swim out a bit from the island then dive just beyond reach. The possessive dust devils will hover over the water above them and will hit you underwater if you are near the surface, but not if you dive down far enough. Then the one doing the quest can go in and try to /plant and /search at each of the three rocks. Note that there are 3 possessive dust devils on the island, but only 2 seem to be aggro and pop within 5-10 second of being killed.

For some reason I had seeds left over after the quest was complete. The goal is to get 3 of the seedlings.

Only one person in the group needs to do the planting and searching in order for everyone in the group to get credit.
- Ixoye and Mura

We did this quest with just a 50 shield champion and 50 warden. The shield champion guarded the warden and the warden ran the 6-sec bubble. With our combined blocking/bubble we were able to plant and search three seeds and
seedlings while under attack. We would kill the whirlwind(s) between each plant/search. All together we had to kill maybe 5 or 6 yellow/orange whirlwinds. They kept coming and didn't care if we went in the water. We tried coming at the island from all angles but finally just went for it.    Nov 23
- Vivarakus

When done solo:

Seed Pouch quest can be soloable by an Enchanter. The possessive whirlwind do ignore your pet but if you have your ally up, he can keep healing you while you do /plant and /search. Becareful when dealing with 2 at once. I try to do this with only 1 mob at a time. After about 2 heals from pet, agro do transfer to my pet, but it can easily be transfer back either randomly or if I do damage to it.   Jan 25
- SerpentKind

I just wanted to say that the Seed Pouch Quest was easily soloable by a 50 Bonedancer.  I used two fossil healer pets and just tanked both possessive dust devils the whole time i was planting and searching (they dont deal more damage than both healing pets, and they ignore the pets).  If they do start doing more damage for some reason, occasional lifetaps fix the problem.   Feb 4
- Thescotsman


I completed this quest with a necro and a cleric, but there are a couple of things I wanted to comment on.  The Dust Devils (3 of them, blue con at 50) are not agressive on the island where you have to plant seeds, it's the possessive dust devils that attack you.  Possessive dust devils (two of them, yellow con at 50) were hitting my cleric for about 28-37 damage a swing, but she was fully buffed at the time.  All I had to do was get the two possessive dust devils to attack my pet and I let my cleric run around and plant/search. 
Both characters got credit for the quest, so although I saw some notes on the site suggesting that every character has to plant/search I found this not to be the case.  Possessive dust devils were neither strong nor weak to spirit magic, they were neutral.   Jan 24


Mercenaries, Reavers, and Minstrels reward:
Sand Scorched Helm
- ALL melee weapon skills: 3pts
- Constitution: 15 pts
- Hits: 40 pts
Bonus to Dexterity attribute bonus cap: 5
Bonus to armor factor (AF): 11
AF 102
Con, Qua, Dur: 100
Absorb: 27%
Bon: 35    Feb 22
- Purcell

Hunter, Savage, Berserker reward:
Sun Scorched Helm
ALL melee weapon skills: 3 pts
Strength: 15 pts
Bonus to melee combat speed: 2%
Bonus to melee damage: 2%
  Requirement vs Plants
Bonus to Strength attribute bonus cap: 5
Bonus to armor factor (AF): 10      Feb 22
- Peltram

Ranger, Blademaster Reward:
Sun Scorched Helm     - screenshot Blunttmasta

Shammy/Healer Helm:
Sun Scorched Helm - screenshot Giirth
6% Bonus to Buffs
6% Bonus to Heals
6% Bonus to Cast Speed
6% Bonus to Spell Duration
- Murp0s420

Sun Scorched Helm   - Erephoria Valkyrja

Sun Scorched Helm    - screen shot Deliciosa
100qual 35bonus
Hat af 102
+5% Casting speed
+5 Str Cap
+5% To duration of all spells
+5% Healing
+5% Buffs
- Tumideon

Animist/Eldritch/Enchanter/Mentalist Reward:
Sun Scorched Cap
+3 to ALL magics
+16 Dex
+10% casting speed
+5% duration      Nov 18
- Saxxon

Armsman, Paladin reward:
Sand Scorched Helm  Dec 13
- Juansanchez VillaLobosRamirez

Druid reward:
Sun Scorched Helm  Dec 16
- xmenrogue

Nightshade reward:
Sun Scorched Helm   Jan 2
- Blackstabbath

BD, SM, RM Helm:
100% Con,Qual, & Dur. 35% bon.
Usable by BD,SM, RM
+3 to all magic,
+15 dex,
+5% casting speed,
+5 piety CAP,
+44 HP CAP.
AF 51.
- Echinasia Dreidwolf - Lvl 50 Mend healer

Sun Scorched Helm
102 AF
19% abs
100% qual
35% bonus
Matter 4%
Body 4%
6% Bonus to casting speed
6% to healing effectiveness
6% to stat enhancement spell effectiveness   Nov 10
- Steeltongue

Error processing SSI file
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004