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Last modified: Saturday February 28 2004

Celestius - ML 10

This information provided by Mevi of Guinevere, and filled in with comments from others.
Celestius - the heavenly body of sky and gateway to the stars. Beyond the greatest of the achivements of the Atlanteans, the sky, it stretches into the heavens themselves. The cyclops guarded this place, and only the gods may have entered.
Celestius = ToA rvr zone    - Sultar
Getting inside Celestius
These are monsters you need to kill before killing Draco.  They are not trials.
1 - Sagittarius
2 - Scorpius
3 - Centaurus
4 - Leo
5 - Draco

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
We completed Master Level  10 Last night  feb 13th -  28 People total - A Few Bots (Hibernia)
screen shot of what /master window looks like when you complete killing Draco
- Members of Cairdeas, Nature's Fury, Reunion, and Serenity

36 Mids have completed ml10 doing Draco post nerf.  Feb 16
- Samadamis

There are 5 main mobs.
You kill the mobs that are summoned and upon killing the killing final creature you receive a message that you have now qualified for another ML.   Returning to the arbiter he tells you that you've completed the hidden last trial and will give you your ml10 ability.   Feb 11
- Seven

Here is my own drawn map of celestius - the celestial stones port you to the given locations.   - Mevi
Celestius portal map

Star picture, Planet picture

Getting inside Celestius

Picture of a Portal     - QwayMelqnu
As far as the portal in, So far, its been seen at the following locations:

Oceanus Anatole:  26237 8590

Oceanus Hesperos:  11483 18521
Oceanus Hesperos:    10000 28000
Oceanus Hesperos:   59k, 22k
Oceanus Hesperos:   60k, 50k

Mesothalassa:   20k, 55k

Oceanus Notos:   14877 30236

Typhon's Reach:  21000 55000

Stygia:  20k, 10k

Also note, you must be ML9 to port in. An ML8 just tried and did not port.  Feb 9
- Tryne_Dragonfly, Mevi, Balise, xmenrougue, Khentarii

btw, careful with the portals if you get them to pop. Since we accidentally killed it the place hasn't respawned for us.  Feb 9
- Sultar

THe Aurora lights that randomly show up at night in TOA are the access method. The locs Thredh {tryne_Dragonfly} posted are a combination of mine and his own work.
Once you get in, you are on the island in Aerus City you cannot access normally.

There is a djinnstone that is out of clip [bug] that is also going to be fixed, either by hotfix or in 1.68, soon. This is the method of exiting. If all else fails, just suicide off the steep hills
Do you have to be ML 9 to even be able to see the portal?
No, you just can't enter

And once the portal appears is it like any other portal that you walk in to? Or do you have to snap your fingers and click your heels together three times?
You walk in and it casts a spell on you if you're ml9

Am I correct when I gather that there are more than 1 place that these portals can appear? Have they appeared in any place consistantly and are there more locations verified aside from the Hesperos loc?
There is more than one place where the portal spawns.

Walk close to it and it will suck you in if you are ML 9.  It stayed in the same spot for at least 2 game nights but you can only see it during the night.  You can hear it during the day.  (From a message in broadcast I believe)
Enter it and it takes you to the inaccessible island in the ML 9 zone.  Walk up the steps and you port to the spinning space station from the pix.  You get lightly nuked if you stay by the portal so just head away from it.  Sagittarious was waiting for us.   Feb 10
- Balise

Tehthu and Nature's Fury on Bedevere has offered the following insight into the Celestius encounters


Killed Sagittarius
Not entirely difficult, used 9 people

I have majestic will 2.
I didnt hit him once with level 48 PBAE.
Seems spells are impossible to land on sagittarius. melee is taking forever, but we dont have bards. 17 people.
Sagittarius also popped aggro, when the csr reset the encounter, FYI. Nature's Fury reported neutral.  Feb 9
- Mevi

Also, as far as spells are concerned, DoTs landed on Sagittarius occasionally and for pretty heavy damage as reported by both Gazz and Ailionora. Think he might have a couple seconds of vulnerability every minute or something, or maybe just pure luck, but I definitely saw the ment mana DoT land at least once during the fight.
Also, storms don't seem to affect Sagittarius.  Feb 10
- Mavnas


arcanite Kinetic Scythe (the icon looks like a legendary weapon icon)
Crush 7%
Thrust 7%
Scythe 3
Level Requirement: 50
melee damage 5%
- vs. Player Races
style damage 5%
- vs. Player Races
strength cap bonus 10
Proc: 95 pt DD energy
Secondary proc: 95 DD matter
Both of these procs are listed as having a chance to fire if an enemy is hit with the weapon.
Iit is slash damage (i.e. not elemental), dps 16.5, and speed 5.5
- Celente

Staff - Infinite charges of 2500 range DOT - 2 minutes - 5% to player races among other stats


Picture of Scorpius, another picture
After killing Sagittarius, portal opens, Scorpius comes out.
Scorpius sends you into barrier during the fight - he plagues and diseases and you spread the disease.  Spam purging wave
Barrier begins damaging you - 50 per hit - drags you around the zone - yellow con, easily killable
Kill Scorp
Double hits
sends you to barrier
 after battle meteors crashing from sky - AE damage 900!

Is a Pain the the ass - simply put - He has a horrible plauge that infects one persona and quickly spreads  to anyone standing near you and so on and so forth. And towards the end stars start to fall fromt he Sky and can PBAE up to 1100 - By Far the Hardest Fight.   Feb 14
- Kya Darkwhisper

MP LW Hammer - Graphic is sunweapon / 7% slash 7% thrust 3 Large weapon procs ability "taunt" also casts 95 DD
5% damage to player races
8% style damage to player races
scythe with similar stats, only 3% of a resist instead of the dual proc.
- Mevi


new portal opened
Centaurus exited

Here is a screenie of Centaurus in his mortal form, named Cheiron. Durring fighting him he will drop a vial on the ground. We have seen him drop more than one on random occasions. The Vile is used when he is in Mortal form ONLY and it will do Consiterable dmg to him, However the drawback is that he is only in this for for a few seconds.

He hits rather hard, to Fast to Kite - Has a heavfty PBAE that Nuked me  anywhere between 200-400.   Feb 14
- Kya Darkwhisper

10 vials at once=dead horsey   Feb 14
- tallawah


Leo then spawns
splits into multiple adds
melee immune adds
hits hard
too fast to kite
Went invis - bugged? - cannot be hit, but pet swings.

Hes not al together to Hard, Nothign lots of Stuns and Snares cant fix. He likes to Split, Personally a Fun fight IMO.
Leo's special attack.. he flings you to the sky and you take 50% fall dmg sometimes a little more when landing.    Feb 14
- Kya Darkwhisper

he split sooooo much. i think the leo fight alone took us a good 45 mins. during the period where he wasnt chain roaring and splitting we were doing massive dmg.   Feb 16
- tallawah


Pictures of Draco, the final mob
Battle with Draco

Before my realms successful ML10 run on Friday. I had fought Draco 3 to 4 times. And each time it was like attacking an elephant with plastic spoons. On one attempt we had spent well over an hour and got him down to around 40%.
On Friday, right from the get go we knew something was different...no on wanted to say anything, but Draco's health was actually noticeably dropping, people were hitting for more than 1 + 1 (DA). With virtually the same tactics Draco behaved and died. I don't know what it is.. whether there is a small varience in his spawn level... and based on that you either are getting a 2 hour fight or a 10 minute fight, but I had no explanation when it happened. Just relief it was over.  Feb 15
- Khail Wayland

Hits VERY hard - Double hit me for over 700 a few times. He does have a AE wich I havent noticed is triggered off anything in particular just quite random. He Srops a Tooth  Wich also cant see any real trigger for it, Seems random, The tooth Spawns  Helpers, Wich used to be Yellow but Now are a Little harder Orange con. Gathering them up and PBAE works well.
- Mevi

Upon completion we got the Message we have completed the  Draco Quest and to visit the arbitor tor aise.   Feb 14
- Kya Darkwhisper

After a failed attempt at the final encounter, Ladon's minions will properly reset.
We have made a change to Draco that will prevent him from despawning during combat.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)


RF pants 21 con, 44 hits, healer only: all magic 2, healing 7%, range 3%, 7 dex cap. melee only: 22str, +5 fatigue, all melee +2 130 heal proc

RF vest: 15 dex, AF 12, con cap 6 healing: all magic 3, 6% casting speed, acuity cap 7, non healing: all melee 3, str cap 7, melee speed 6% 130 heal proc

leather pants: 5 fatigue, qui+18, 2 all melee, 4 stealth, 7 dex cap, 7 con cap, 130 heal proc

leather vest: dex 18, con 18, all melee 3, combat speed 6%, qui cap 7, AF+10, 130 heal proc

This belt came off a couple of the other mobs, not Draco:
belt of negative energy
7%pow, 15 acui, 7% range (rvr) 7 pow cap, 7 acuity cap, 12 af
- tallawah

Last modified: Saturday February 28 2004
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de http://www.cairdeas.net/daoc/toa/Celestius.shtml  le 02/03/2004