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Last modified: Saturday February 28 2004

Spymaster Abilities

1 Pickpocket - Bonus PvE Coin
2 Decoy - summon random epic dressed realmmate with 1hp and no offense to distract opponents
3 Enduring Poison - 15% chance poison won't be removed from weapon on a resist
4 Sabotage - damage siege engines, doors, or geomancer fields
5 Tanglesnare - Snare Mine
6 Poisonspike - DoT Mine
7 Lookout - Stealthed user can't move, but any stealthed enemy moving within 350 ra s is exposed along with the watcher
8 Siege Wrecker - mine that detonates when a siege engine is built nearby; only affects siege engines
9 Essence Flare - Summons PBAE Mez poison (10 second)
10 Blanket of Camouflage - hides your group

 Tanglesnare and Poisonspike will both now share the same recast timer.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

1 Pickpocket - Bonus PvE Coin

automatically works and results in you getting about 20% more cash per kill on things that give money. The entire group u are in benefits even if u did not touch the monster.
- Zaqir

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2 Decoy - summon random epic dressed realmmate with 1hp and no offense to distract opponents

Seems Decoy is somewhat bugged, sometimes you get a Keen in Warden epic with a flute. Sometimes they are realistic. Careful where u use these since Ranger decoys actually attack with bow (for 0 damage). But can draw agro towards you in raids, farmin pve. Or even at a milegate if it attacks a pet user, the pet will go and attack you and pop your stealth. 2min timer.  Jan 23, 2004
- Latino

I spent some time toying with decoy and heres what I found...

- are randomly generated by race, class, sex and realm rank.

- all wear the appropriate epic armor of there class

- cloaks are random colors, some have none

- 10 minute duration, 2 minute cool down to cast = up to 5 decoys at any giving time

- A message is recieved if your decoy is killed... "you have lost controll of the celt raven ardent"

- If you have aggro on you the decoy will go into an attacking stance

*- the ranger decoy will accually draw his/her bow if your aggro is at distance and will shoot. Testing this in a duel with a 50 Ment. no buffs, the ranger hit everytime for approx 40-50 dammage.

- the casting time is so short that while in stealth I can cast a decoy(will pop me out of stealth) and restealth in less than a second. Casting decoy will not reset the stealth timer.

- Decoy is cast at your ground target and will face your current target

- when cast a spell effect will oddly be seen on whatever you have targeted instead of your self or the decoy, kind of like a buff spell effect

- decoys can be buffed

- have 1 hit point

- are seen by enemy pvp characters when targeted as "celt raven ardent" , ie. no name

- aggro on the decoy from mobs will NOT transfer to the caster

- can be cast underwater

- fools 95% of time fotm inf's , sorry couldn't help myself ;]    Nov 15
- Graymouser

Summons a random class of random realm rank (both class and rank realm apropiate) in epic armor.
Decoy has 1 hp and lasts 10 minutes
2 second cast time with a 2 mintue reuse timer.
Target is cast at a groundtarget.
Caster must see the groundtarget to cast, decoy orients itself facing the caster from the target.
There is an unknown range limit on casting decoy.
No casting of decoys in thin air is allowed.
Mobs will agro decoys, killing them, but agro does not transfer on to the caster.
- Lindbergh

I found my first decoy used by an enemy and a serious bug. Enemies names are a reddish color over their heads, correct? well the decoys are colored YELLOW like a mob!    Nov 15
- Sirikin Arcainum

You can summon a decoy with 1 hit point...but the decoy will not have a name...so anyone who clicks on this and looks for a name will never be fooled.    Nov 16
- Shaithiss

the weapon they spawn with is any weapon they can use for that class.
and they only spawn with 1 weapon.
ie: zerks with 1 1h weapon, savages with 1 1h claw. zerks with staffs, savages with staffs.    11/8
- Murzin

Casting pops you out of stealth when you cast it.
Casting erases any frontier hastener buff.
It doesn't otherwise count as combat, you can restealth immediately after casting.
The decoy does not look directly at me when I cast it, but rather always faces north for some reason.
Decoy does NOT follow my movements, it remains in a stationary position.
The race and rr are random, I haven't gotten the same combo twice in a row. I'd prefer that they be restricted to < rr5 myself, I got a rr9 valkyn on one cast. What intelligent stealther is gonna attack a solo rr9 toon?
The casting range isn't nearly as high as it needs to be. You pop out of stealth when you cast it, so anyone that could see the decoy is going to be able to see you as well unless you're casting across a doorway, or from a treeline, or up onto a keep/mfg wall.     11/10
- Restless

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3 Enduring Poison - 15% chance poison won't be removed from weapon on a resist

it appears that it is a 15% to not lose the poison period.
i know i have seen resisted poison land later. then the other day i saw this happen:
the str/con debuff lands 3 times in a row.   Nov 19
- Murzin

i land lifebane 7 times and str/con 2 times.
it seems you get the most effect from enduring poison on your mainhand.    Nov 20
- Murzin

ML3 is Enduring Poison. On paper it seems a waste of time, but Im really starting to like it now. It makes poisons stick even if they ARENT resisted. You can hit the same target several times with the same poison, or if youre quick, multiple targets! My favourite was snaring a bard and hitting him in the back as he ran .. he purged and i resnared him next swing.   Dec 11
- Masq Dare

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4 Sabotage - damage siege engines, doors, or geomancer fields

Sabotage works for destroying wards (aka power nodes, healing nodes, det nodes etc)  Jan 23, 2004
- Latino

ML4 Ability is "sabotage" but it doesn't seem to work, It should work on Siege weapons,doors and field.   Dec 11
- isio

ML4 Spymaster Ability is Sabotage, and doesnt work.
I've tried it on doors, fields, runes, seige weapons. Ground targets under all those things as well. Ive tried selecting those objects and attacking them in combat in case it worked like that. The result? Not even a line of feedback in the system window telling me what I should be doing. ie. No 'Youre standing too far from the target' or similar.  Dec 11
- Masq Dare

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5 Tanglesnare - Snare Mine

I did some testing on this ability with the help of a friend in another realm, this is what I found:
1. Other realms cannot see the trap on the ground.
2. There is no effect when it is set off.
3. It does not break stealth on the person setting it off.
4. The snare does not last very long (unsure if this is because of resistances).
I am still curious as to what dmg type this trap is.   Jan 29
- Rasputiin

MA5 is a snare mine with 5 sec cast timer with a 5 minute recast timer. Radius seems to be 350. Same timer as all mines (MA5,6, 8). Be aware castin this and agro'n a pet user in rvr will cause the pet to come and attack you (unstealth). STEALTHERS will set off the mines.  Jan 23, 2004
- Latino

ML5 Is A snare mine trap. When it goes off snares enemys in the area. 5 minutes recast time.   Dec 11
- isio

- 5 minute reuse, so far on its own timer, though it may share with the DOT mine at ML6
- Mine is placed at your feet, not your ground target.
- Placing mine will unstealth you for a 4 second cast time, after which you can immediately restealth. (No Combat timer)
- Havent seen this ability resisted yet, even on high grapes. Not saying it cant be, maybe i was lucky the 3-4 times ive seen it.
I still havent discovered whether this mine will unstealth, or even effect stealthed users. Need more testing.   Dec 11
- Masq Dare

Do dex buffs decrease casting time of the mine?
- I believe so yes, casting time is about 3 seconds buffed (377 dex)
Is the mine ae or single target? If Ae do you have a rough range estimate.
- Its AE snare, and goes off when someone ets within ~350 of it. When you use it in a keep offense situation, make sure the guards dont trigger it
What is the duration, dmg type, and % of the snare. (Ideally dueling a realmmate should be able to illuminate all those points)
- Delving the effect told me basically nothing, so these are all estimates. It seems to be a 40% snare, lasting about 25-30 seconds. I was not able to tell damage type.   Dec 12
- Masq Dare

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6 Poisonspike - DoT Mine

MA6 is a 90-100pt dot mine, has insta-cast time with 5 minute recast timer. Radius seems to be 350. Same timer as all mines (MA5,6, 8). Be aware castin this and agro'n a pet user in rvr will cause the pet to come and attack you (unstealth). STEALTHERS will set off the mines.  Jan 23, 2004
- Latino

Delves as a rune that poisons enemies, so I assume its AE, has the AE symbol beneath it. When I first used it, its instant cast, immediatly appearing beneath me. It shares the same timer as Tanglesnare.
Did a few tests, Nothing scientific and extreme. Used it twice, each time it went off it reset the duel. First time it ticked for 97, second duel it ticked for 93. My target had 26% Body resists. Used it in DF, it is AE, and it ticks 5 times, against Lilspawns. I'd guess it lasted ~20 secs.  Dec 25
- Corrigan_Nagisa

Used this a bit over the weekend, found out something interesting about the insta-use ability. You can use the poison spike out of combat, after your combat timer has expired, so about 2 seconds. The problem, is as soon as you drop the mine, you can't immediately swing for a while. It like.. puts you into a combat delay, where you wont swing for about 8-10 seconds after dropping it. So, its nice if you can set it up beforehand, and if you're already gonna die it'll be decent to drop it right before you get taken out, to give your enemy that annoyance.
Conclusion, its usable in combat, but not really useful considering how long it takes for you to swing again.
You can still enter combat mode, you can still run around, not sure about casting spells.. Its fun to drop, then run away while it ticks.  Dec 29
- Corrigan_Nagisa

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7 Lookout - Stealthed user can't move, but any stealthed enemy moving within 350 ra s is exposed along with the watcher

Lookout works as a "guard" for stealthers. You can only guard (lookout) for members in your group. Your target does not have to be a stealther, can be anyone in your group. But they must be sitting for you to guard them (lame). Once they sit, u have to wait 5 seconds for them to be sitting down till you can lookout on them. After that any stealther that comes within 350-400 radius if your guarded target will be unstealthed. If your guarded targets stands or moves. Lookout drops. Found it has no recast timer, works just like guard and protect. If you are stealth and cast 'lookout' on a groupmate, it does untealth you.  Jan 23
- Latino

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8 Siege Wrecker - mine that detonates when a siege engine is built nearby; only affects siege engines

MA8 is a mine that 'wrecks' (dmgs) siege if its built near or already built. Does really good damage. Insta-cast time and Radius seems to be 350. Same timer as all mines (MA5,6, 8).  Jan 23
- Latino

The Siegewrecker master ability will no longer work against doors.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

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9 Essence Flare - Summons PBAE Mez poison (10 second)

Essence Flare, a pbaoe mezz poison of 15 sec duration with a 700 radius. Each time you cast it, you summon a single application of poison. It's on a 30 min timer. The poisons stack in inventory, flagged no trade/no sale.
It's a level 50 poison.

The Essence Flare master ability, which creates a poison in the inventory of the user, has been changed so that the poison may be used by any assassin class with an envenom skill of 1 or greater.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

I tested this out today, and I LOVE it. Gotta use it on the off-hand, because you'll break your own mezz otherwise if you dual wield. Turns 2-on-1 into two back-to-back 1-on-1 fights. And frankly, if you can't kill someone in 15 secs as a stealther you don't need to be out there.
Yes, they persist after relogging, so you could theoretically build up a large stack of them. With so many stealth travelling in duos/zergs on my server, I doubt I'll ever reach that point.
Mezz immunity is by type of damage, isn't it? And with this being a matter-based mezz, it's not going to interfere with any other Mid mezz.
It's a matter-based poison, NOT essence.

Yes, you have to have 50 effective envenom to use it. That's my biggest issue with it. SB's have fewer spec pts than the other stealthers, and will be forced to gut one of their skill lines in order to spec to 50 effective envenom. This ML ability as it stands now really means the end of 5-specs.

It does work pretty well tho :-) I wish I had taken the time to screenshot the two albs I first used it on. They had set up a trap, a minstrel unstealthed with a inf hiding inside him with stealth lore up. I was laughing so hard at the inf stuck watching while I mowed down the minstrel that I didn't even think about it until well after both were dead and /released.

Note to self: Det5>15 sec mezz. Do NOT attack ppl w/big shields anymore, mkay?  Jan 19
- Restless

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10 Blanket of Camouflage - hides your group

Stealths your group.  Any spell casting or movement breaks it, unless you're a stealther.   Feb 16
- Elsurion

ML10 Spymaster - Blanket of Camouflauge – Fixed a bug that allowed group members to move while stealthed in some situations.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

Last modified: Saturday February 28 2004
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de http://www.cairdeas.net/daoc/toa/MA_Spymaster.shtml  le 02/03/2004