1 Siege Master -
reduce all siege timers (load/aim/fire) by 30% 2
Bolstering Battlecry - heal power, fatigue, and health by 10% of max 3 Cowering Bellow
- frighten realm enemy monsters, to stop interrupting friendly casters 4 Resillient Will
- next spell cast on nearby allies has additional 5% chance to miss 5 Guided Strike -
next attack from nearby allies has +10% chance to crit 6 Energizing Aura -
20% discount on fatigue costs for nearby allies 7 Cleansing Aura
- Reduce strength of DoTs on nearby allies by 10 points every 3 seconds 8 Defending Martyr
- sacrifice health to heal allies 9 Leadership -
raise levels of friends for dmg calcs
WL 2/5 are on the same timer, WL4 is seperate. Dec 7 - Bert
Energizing Aura and Defending Martyr will both now share the same recast timer.
Resilient Will, Guided Strike and Cleansing Aura will all now share the same recast timer.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)
1 Siege Master - reduce all siege timers
(load/aim/fire) by 30%
is one of the best ML1 abilities.
It's passive (always active). It reduces all timers on siege engines by
30%. Because of thise, your able to attack with a ram 30% faster. So if
your a Tank that normally operates Rams on doors, you now doing 130%
Damage/Time to the door. That means 3 SiegeMasters operating rams, have
the same effect as 4 rams on a door.
With the max rams per Relic door now, Siegemasters is a way to reduce
the time it takes break down all 3 doors by 30%.
- Prayer
Actually, 30% faster equates to a 42.9% increase in damage. Back to top
2 Bolstering Battlecry - heal power, fatigue, and
health by 10% of max
I recently checked the range on
Bolstering Battlecry and found that it is 1500 units. Jan 18
- Kensingtun Warlord ability has somewhere around 1k radius. IN 8v8 its
not that big of a deal, in a LARGE group however is a marvilous ability.
Last night for instance on a dragon raid, was a bad aoe, after everyone
got resed lots where very low on health, very low on power. Myself and
another hero poped it. Boom. I just healed somewhere around 10k hits,
same for power and end.
the bg was like holy cow that was nice. 11/7
- Agamemnon_Warhammer it costs 5% end to use this ability. 11/12
- Donn
So, you end up with losing 5% end..
Your group gets 10% end, pwr, and hlth. 11/12
- Hazwiz SirDieALot Back to top
The Warlord ability, cowering bellow, has been placed on an independent recast timer for 5 minutes. (from Jan 6 hot fix)
been testing the warlord 3 shout some more. It is resistable - almost
every orange I have tried it on has resisted - I have not yet had it
resisted by a yellow. It can, if successfull, permanently deaggro a
monster (NPC) if you do not attack it after you cast the shout. You can
attack if you wish, and the monster will keep trying to flee from you,
allowing you to get off rear positionals.
This will not aggro monsters that are unaggroed on you if
it works. It *will* aggro monsters on you that are not aggroed if it is
resisted. Example: I tried it standing near a bunch of yellow con
salamanders and red con lava bugs. The salamanders all were traunted,
and so they ran farther away from me and never bothered me again. The
lava bugs resisted, so they all came over and attacked me.
Used on NPC guards, they run away for a while (very very fast) then
come running back when the effect wears off. Dec 4
- Ulstan
Mobs that were aggro to the group turn tail and run for about 8
seconds. Its very powerful, in the sense that you can get lots of rear
positionals on the running mob if your solo, and its also wonderful for
mobs that seem to aggro the healer/caster as it *seems* to reset hate
lists when they run off.
Its on a five minute timer, and its range seems to be the same as warlord ml2 pbae
Used it in RvR tonight.
It works on charmed pets for sure, minstrel and sorceror pets were both scattered.
Enchanter pets resisted or weren't effected.
Necros resisted also. Nov 20
- Lordfade
Thusfar in RvR I have yet to get it to work on a Necromancer pet, but
it does in fact work against Bonedancer pets, all three of them.
I've had it resisted by greens, and I've had it land on
multiple yellows (2 sorc pets) so its definately usefull, but being on
the same timer as bolstering battlecry is ridiculous. Nov 20
Donnerjack Briarborne
I had it counted as the mob running away for 30 seconds. It would
stop running once it was outside of my maximum range. If I started to
move towards it, it ran away again.
Highly resistable? I've hit at least 30 mobs with it since getting
it and seen 2 resists, one on a high purple, and one on a lucky yellow
who resisted 40% of my spells. Nov 20
- Drayk
6 Energizing Aura - 20% discount on fatigue costs for
nearby allies
Point blank area effect shout that gives a fatigue cost discount to nearby allies.
On same timer as 2, 3, 4 and 5, which of course is really horrid. 5
abilities sharing one timer is crap, imo. Seems to be either a 30%
reduction, or 20% and counts relic bonuses. Slam went from 10 end per
swing, to 7, but we have 2 power relics. Jan 3
- meeligrum
20% end redux, same timer as ML2/3/5.
Lasts roughly 30 seconds.
Instead of sprint using 5 end / tick, it uses 4 end / tick, for example.
- Bert
8 Defending Martyr - sacrifice health to heal allies
Powerful point blank area effect heal that costs the user a great deal of hit points.
This and 7 are on same timer. Costs 90% of users health, and heals
nearby allies. I'm not sure how much it will heal, but had some nice
gents jump from stairs till they were almost dead, and cast it, biggest
heal was 1233 but all the people hit full health, so its probably able
to heal as much as you take in damage. Cannot use unless you have over
90% health. Jan 3
- meeligrum