Alvarus' Leggings
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Last modified: Saturday February 28 2004

Alvarus' Leggings

Classes that can use: All
Artifact XP: Slaying many types of plant-like enemies
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:  You need 3 people.

Artifact Level Abilities Gained

Heat 5%
Cold 5%

Body 5%

Spirit 5%

Water Breathing

Thrust 5%

Bonus to hit points bonus cap:  36

Picture of Shark
Stats page 1
Stats page 2

Water Breathing: Target can breathe underwater.  The target may also be able to move faster than normal swim speed, depending on the spell.
    Speed:  200%
    Target:  Self
    Duration:  20 min 
    Casting time:  instant
    This spell is cast when the item is used.

Illusion: Target has been shapechanged.
    Target:  Self
    Duration:  20 min
    Casting time:  instant
    Also casts:  Water Breathing Speed:  200%
    This spell is cast when the item is used.

Level 10 is shapeshift. You turn into a shark. Only works underwater.
so five 5% resists, breath water, and a shark effect that only works under water. And it is about 12 billion exp per lvl, where other artifacts are around 5 billion per lvl.

Credits: Secondcup TheGrey, Calego Vision, Slitz InCognito

Leveling the Artifact:


Casyndra's faction rotates through all 3 factions.  You have to have at least neutral faction with either Naxos, Melos, or Skyros in order to talk to her at all.  If you do have neutral with a faction, and you cannot talk to her, wait about an hour and try again.  Dec 28
- Ilk

Casyndra is loc 47, 37 Meso.

If you have
I did the octopus with 50 pallie and a 45 and 50 enh clerics. Return Amulet to Casyndra and he drops a key, Use key on chest and leggings appear in inventory.  Dec 10
- Zedicus

To find Minkhat:
While farming scrolls in Kithara's Sanctuary, I happed to roll into Melos Territory. Among the Merfolks I noted a mob named Minkhat minion (OJ con to 50).
I easily Killed him with my SM and Shambot. Then was bumrushed by a red con minion and MINKHAT himself (level 75 mob). Owned.   Dec 13
- Doofirth

The shark, Razorfin, for the Alvarus' Leggings encounter will now spawn more frequently.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

To find Razorfin Shark: 


At the end, you use Casyndra's Key on the chest to get the leggings: 
Empyre Aequitas said a CSR told him this:
You won't always get the leggings - they only have a chance to be given.  Sometimes you'll get loot, sometimes nothing, and sometimes the leggings.  You can, however, get more keys if you need them by doing tasks for Casyndra.  Feb 14

Scroll pieces:  Alvarus' Letters

Piece 1 of 3
Melos infectors, Melos dolphin hunters

Piece 2 of 3
Naxos skulkers, Naxos staghorns
Piece 3 of 3 
Naxos wavelashers, Naxos ambushers

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